Thank you all for your comments, and for putting so much effort into your blogging. I had fun creating all the characters and trying to give them their own lives and their own voices. I also had fun discussing them with you.
Trentan L, I enjoyed writing about Grand Manan because I really like the island and the people there. That's the main reason that I wrote Two Island Light. As you recall Flu Shot was written in and around Fredericton and the part of the province where I live. The students from NMS will be familiar with a lot of the places there. It's always nice to read a story that is set where you actually live.
Derek S, Thank you for the copy of your story. It looks like you had fun writing it. For all of you, keep reading. There is a wonderful world in books and you can have fun with them and learn things from them, even when you're alone.
Stephen W, Thank you for your comments about sequels. The Flu Shot audience seems evenly split on whether they would like a sequel or not. It's on my list but way down the list. GRIN. By the way, Shamus's cows are doing fine.
Shayna, both books took about 6 months to write. Then comes months of work to get the publisher to accept it and get it out on the shelves.
Kyle B, Those are very good comments about the development of evil characters. The bad guys have to be really BAD so that the good guy has a challenge, a worthy adversary. The trick is to make them bad without making them unbelievable. I had fun choosing their names... Freeman Roach, and Luther... they even sound like bad guys. GRIN.
Chandra H, I think that you hit the nail right on the head when you explained that they were the son and father that they never had. That was exactly how I intended it. Well done.
Haven G, Your comment about Jack fighting two battles, one within himself and one outside, is excellent. It is so true in the book and often the same in real life. We all have our inner struggles while trying to make our way in the world. It always helps if you can talk to someone about those inner battles. Jack had Everett and Catcher.
Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for your interest in my writing. Thank you for being a fun group to blog with.
Have a great summer and remember... KEEP READING.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Webcast - Thanks to all!

Thanks to all of you who participated...
To my good friend Mr. Jones for his support with the technology
To Ms. McQuaid, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Ball and Mr. Miller for their allowing this project into their classrooms
To Dr. Lacey for the many hours he put into blogging with the students and his special efforts to travel to Grand Manan for the webcast...
But most of all, to the students involved, who added thoughtful comments to my somewhat weak questions...great job!
Enjoy the summer!
Post # 10; Chapters 40-43, The Finale
Jack wins the battles in his heart; new boat and a new girl. The bad guys get what is coming to them, and Elizabeth gets thrown in the harbour.
a) Who do you think was the most interesting character in the book? What is it about them that intrigues you?
b) Please offer any comments you might have for Dr. Lacey about his book. Like any author, he loves to receive feedback about his writing? What did you like? What didn't you like? What confused you? (remember, be constructive...:))
Thanks to everyone for taking part in this project...especially Dr. Lacey for his time and effort...:)
a) Who do you think was the most interesting character in the book? What is it about them that intrigues you?
b) Please offer any comments you might have for Dr. Lacey about his book. Like any author, he loves to receive feedback about his writing? What did you like? What didn't you like? What confused you? (remember, be constructive...:))
Thanks to everyone for taking part in this project...especially Dr. Lacey for his time and effort...:)
Monday, June 18, 2007
a. Catcher was an old man, and had severe heart problems. The shock of the loss of his boat may have aggravated these problems. We'll never know. Certainly he had a great last few months, doing exactly what he wanted to do, because of Jack. His time had come and he passed away along with his boat, comfortable in his sleep. There are much worse ways to go.
b. In many ways, Jack is like Catcher. He has an all consuming drive to fish and live by way of the sea. He loves boats and is looking forward to his first real boat of his own. He seems to have a natural ability and he is determined to use these skills and to not give in to circumstance or to the threats and actions of others. He know longer is melancholy, without hope, simply reacting to life and what it throws at him. As he says to himself at the end of Chapter 38, "He would create some disasters of his own". When you have some small amount of control over your own life and a goal to attain, then you have the ingredients to keep striving.
c. Ah, the dilemna of Elizabeth. Jack is smitten with her. He has a crush on her. She is an attraction but not a love. Jack still thinks of Jenny though, and Jenny still thinks of him. Despite being apart, they seem drawn to each other. That may be love, but can it survive the separation. On the other hand, I don't think that Jack was the slightest bit attracted to Elizabeth's money. Although Jack was impoverished for a lot of the story, he never quested for other people's money, only for fishing and friendship.Rachel, good answers to all questions.
Kayleigh K, you had excellent answers to all three of these questions, but especially B. Well done.
Katie C, the purchase of the lobster by tens was the earliest foreshadowing of an important fact that will come to light in the next couple of days. If fact, in Germany buying tens is much more common than buying dozens. In answer to your question about the bear in Flu Shot and the dog in this book, I did not design them to be alike. In Flu Shot, the bear was hovering in the background occasionally appearing and was really a metaphor for how dangerous nature can be when disturbed; think of global climate change now. The dog was an example of how good deeds can come back to your benefit far in the future, and was a metaphor for good triumphing over evil. Good question.
Well, we're on the home stretch. I promised you an exciting ending... and where is Jenny?
b. In many ways, Jack is like Catcher. He has an all consuming drive to fish and live by way of the sea. He loves boats and is looking forward to his first real boat of his own. He seems to have a natural ability and he is determined to use these skills and to not give in to circumstance or to the threats and actions of others. He know longer is melancholy, without hope, simply reacting to life and what it throws at him. As he says to himself at the end of Chapter 38, "He would create some disasters of his own". When you have some small amount of control over your own life and a goal to attain, then you have the ingredients to keep striving.
c. Ah, the dilemna of Elizabeth. Jack is smitten with her. He has a crush on her. She is an attraction but not a love. Jack still thinks of Jenny though, and Jenny still thinks of him. Despite being apart, they seem drawn to each other. That may be love, but can it survive the separation. On the other hand, I don't think that Jack was the slightest bit attracted to Elizabeth's money. Although Jack was impoverished for a lot of the story, he never quested for other people's money, only for fishing and friendship.Rachel, good answers to all questions.
Kayleigh K, you had excellent answers to all three of these questions, but especially B. Well done.
Katie C, the purchase of the lobster by tens was the earliest foreshadowing of an important fact that will come to light in the next couple of days. If fact, in Germany buying tens is much more common than buying dozens. In answer to your question about the bear in Flu Shot and the dog in this book, I did not design them to be alike. In Flu Shot, the bear was hovering in the background occasionally appearing and was really a metaphor for how dangerous nature can be when disturbed; think of global climate change now. The dog was an example of how good deeds can come back to your benefit far in the future, and was a metaphor for good triumphing over evil. Good question.
Well, we're on the home stretch. I promised you an exciting ending... and where is Jenny?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Post # 9; Chapters 34-39; "Good-bye to Catcher"

Jack is almost done in - twice - by the duo of Luther and Freeman. He vows to get back at them somehow, but continues to keep missing his mark.
After hearing of the loss of his beloved boat, Catcher dies in his sleep. This leaves Jack and Everett to go it alone. Despite her brothers warnings, Jack begins to pursue Elizabeth - but what about Jenny?
Meanwhile, when Jack arrives in Nova Scotia looking to buy a new boat, he gets a great deal on a boat that was half paid for by Freeman Roach.
a) There is an old saying that people can "die of a broken heart". How do you think Catcher died?
b) With Catcher gone, what is it that drives Jack to move on. He seems to have the whole island against him (except for Everett) and nothing is going his way, yet he is determined to make a go of it. Jack's ability to survive whatever is thrown at him speaks highly of his will to live. How has Jack grown since the dark days in Saint John?
c) He also seems to be quite taken by Elizabeth. Why do you think Jack is so smitten? Does he really like Elizabeth, or are there other reasons for his interest?
After hearing of the loss of his beloved boat, Catcher dies in his sleep. This leaves Jack and Everett to go it alone. Despite her brothers warnings, Jack begins to pursue Elizabeth - but what about Jenny?
Meanwhile, when Jack arrives in Nova Scotia looking to buy a new boat, he gets a great deal on a boat that was half paid for by Freeman Roach.
a) There is an old saying that people can "die of a broken heart". How do you think Catcher died?
b) With Catcher gone, what is it that drives Jack to move on. He seems to have the whole island against him (except for Everett) and nothing is going his way, yet he is determined to make a go of it. Jack's ability to survive whatever is thrown at him speaks highly of his will to live. How has Jack grown since the dark days in Saint John?
c) He also seems to be quite taken by Elizabeth. Why do you think Jack is so smitten? Does he really like Elizabeth, or are there other reasons for his interest?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wow, these are tough questions.
For the first we really need to dig into Freeman's head. For the second we need to think about right versus wrong. For the third we could write a book bigger than Two Island Light on the philosophy of justice versus law. I'll try to give you my opinion and what I was thinking when I wrote the story.
a. As many of you said, Freeman probably feared detection if he caused the death of Jack face-to-face. But there is more. Freeman is a coward as are many people who hide in the shadows and try to benefit by the losses of others. He was afraid of a confrontation, afraid of detection, afraid of punishment, and probably afraid of the direct act of murder itself. The deaths at sea were remote, not directly attributable to him, and he didn't have to see it happen. The direct hands-on murder of Jack was not in his comfort zone.
b. Jack told a lie, PERHAPS. He said, "It's not my signature." That's not a lie. His signature is NOT "Jack". He said, "It's not my name." That's not a lie. "Jack" is his nickname. "James Austin Charles" is his name. He said, "It's not my handwriting". Well, that may not be a lie either. He was bloodied, beaten up, and shaky. So maybe it wasn't his usual handwriting. He said, "Somebody else signed this". That could be the lie, but then again he was being forced to sign it under duress, under the threat of Catcher's death. Jack felt that it was like being another person, not his usual self. And he actually didn't SIGN it. So the question of the lie is actually very complicated.
Jack felt justified in evading a direct answer by referring to signature, which of course was not his legal signature, as explained. At no time did he say, "I didn't write this". So, I think that Jack was being "tricky" not a liar. Of course that is open to argument. I for one, am ready to forgive him for that, considering the actions of those who were trying to defraud and kill him. Ah, but ethics are so tangled.
c. This is the really tough one, and I'm going to try to simplify a very complex concept. Laws are very specific codes of conduct and procedure that allow society to function in a predictable manner. In a liberal democracy like ours, and most of the western world these laws are designed and structured to protect the innocent, and to ensure that power is not abused. Laws are precise, specific and with little leaway for interpretation.
Justice is the concept of good triumphing over evil. It may be as mythological as a "struggle between the dark side and the force". It may be as religious as "God will get you for that". It may be as philosophical as "He'll get what is coming to him some time".
Laws try to provide justice but because the laws are also protecting people from abuse by law, then sometimes laws fall short of absolute justice.
If somebody is riding their bike along the road and as they pass you walking on the road, they snatch your ice cream cone from your hand, you are a victim of a crime. For the law to act you would have to prove that there was an ice cream cone, that it was yours, that the person took it from you, who that person was, and that they intended to deprive you of it. That's a tall order, for an already melting ice cream cone.
On the other hand, if the person who took the cone hit a rut because they were looking at the cone, and had only one hand on the bike, and they crashed, ruined their bike, skinned their knees, tore their pants, then we might be able to say that justice was served."...Even if the law demands proof, sometimes justice doesn't."
As a general rule, we should obey our laws. That's what makes our society safe and civilized. Sometimes we just like to see justice served when the law seems not to work... but that is a risky business. In this case Jack got away with it, because the mountie recognized what the law could not. Justice.
I hope that explains what was meant by that passage. It's very complicated and whole university courses could debate that topic. We won't. GRIN.
I want to compliment those of you who tried to answer that difficult question. Some of you were very close. I also want to compliment those of you who had the courage to say "I don't know". Sometimes it is very hard to admit that you don't know something, but that is the only way that you will learn the true answer.
Katie C, your patience will be rewarded. Jenny is going to come into the story again, soon.
Kyle B, yes, I'm going to write more books. I'm already writing a romantic comedy set in the Caribbean, about a quarter done. It'll be a while, I'm so terribly busy these days.
Now on with the story; maybe the Grand Mananers can tell the others exactly how BAD lobster bait smells.
For the first we really need to dig into Freeman's head. For the second we need to think about right versus wrong. For the third we could write a book bigger than Two Island Light on the philosophy of justice versus law. I'll try to give you my opinion and what I was thinking when I wrote the story.
a. As many of you said, Freeman probably feared detection if he caused the death of Jack face-to-face. But there is more. Freeman is a coward as are many people who hide in the shadows and try to benefit by the losses of others. He was afraid of a confrontation, afraid of detection, afraid of punishment, and probably afraid of the direct act of murder itself. The deaths at sea were remote, not directly attributable to him, and he didn't have to see it happen. The direct hands-on murder of Jack was not in his comfort zone.
b. Jack told a lie, PERHAPS. He said, "It's not my signature." That's not a lie. His signature is NOT "Jack". He said, "It's not my name." That's not a lie. "Jack" is his nickname. "James Austin Charles" is his name. He said, "It's not my handwriting". Well, that may not be a lie either. He was bloodied, beaten up, and shaky. So maybe it wasn't his usual handwriting. He said, "Somebody else signed this". That could be the lie, but then again he was being forced to sign it under duress, under the threat of Catcher's death. Jack felt that it was like being another person, not his usual self. And he actually didn't SIGN it. So the question of the lie is actually very complicated.
Jack felt justified in evading a direct answer by referring to signature, which of course was not his legal signature, as explained. At no time did he say, "I didn't write this". So, I think that Jack was being "tricky" not a liar. Of course that is open to argument. I for one, am ready to forgive him for that, considering the actions of those who were trying to defraud and kill him. Ah, but ethics are so tangled.
c. This is the really tough one, and I'm going to try to simplify a very complex concept. Laws are very specific codes of conduct and procedure that allow society to function in a predictable manner. In a liberal democracy like ours, and most of the western world these laws are designed and structured to protect the innocent, and to ensure that power is not abused. Laws are precise, specific and with little leaway for interpretation.
Justice is the concept of good triumphing over evil. It may be as mythological as a "struggle between the dark side and the force". It may be as religious as "God will get you for that". It may be as philosophical as "He'll get what is coming to him some time".
Laws try to provide justice but because the laws are also protecting people from abuse by law, then sometimes laws fall short of absolute justice.
If somebody is riding their bike along the road and as they pass you walking on the road, they snatch your ice cream cone from your hand, you are a victim of a crime. For the law to act you would have to prove that there was an ice cream cone, that it was yours, that the person took it from you, who that person was, and that they intended to deprive you of it. That's a tall order, for an already melting ice cream cone.
On the other hand, if the person who took the cone hit a rut because they were looking at the cone, and had only one hand on the bike, and they crashed, ruined their bike, skinned their knees, tore their pants, then we might be able to say that justice was served."...Even if the law demands proof, sometimes justice doesn't."
As a general rule, we should obey our laws. That's what makes our society safe and civilized. Sometimes we just like to see justice served when the law seems not to work... but that is a risky business. In this case Jack got away with it, because the mountie recognized what the law could not. Justice.
I hope that explains what was meant by that passage. It's very complicated and whole university courses could debate that topic. We won't. GRIN.
I want to compliment those of you who tried to answer that difficult question. Some of you were very close. I also want to compliment those of you who had the courage to say "I don't know". Sometimes it is very hard to admit that you don't know something, but that is the only way that you will learn the true answer.
Katie C, your patience will be rewarded. Jenny is going to come into the story again, soon.
Kyle B, yes, I'm going to write more books. I'm already writing a romantic comedy set in the Caribbean, about a quarter done. It'll be a while, I'm so terribly busy these days.
Now on with the story; maybe the Grand Mananers can tell the others exactly how BAD lobster bait smells.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Post # 8; Chapters 30-33; "J.A.C.K"
It seems that things seem to be finally going Jack's way. He manages to convince the mountie that the Agnes Maud is actually his. This infuriates Luther and Freeman to the point where Luther makes plans to kill Jack.
We see the point that Dr. Lacey referred to earlier when he mentioned how important the spelling of Jack's name was...but Jack is not out of danger yet...
a) When Luther is chasing after Jack to kill him, Freeman tells Luther that he won't take part in murdering Jack. Luther reminds him that he was already involved in murder by being involved in the shipwrecks. Why do you think Freeman didn't have a problem with killing people by wrecking ships, but won't get involved in directly killing Jack?
b) We see a "trickier" side of Jack. First he lies about not signing the paper (despite the fact that it was done under duress) and then he kicks Luther. Is this out of character for Jack?
c) The mountie tells Jack that "...even if the law demands proof, sometimes justice doesn't". What does he mean by this?
We see the point that Dr. Lacey referred to earlier when he mentioned how important the spelling of Jack's name was...but Jack is not out of danger yet...
a) When Luther is chasing after Jack to kill him, Freeman tells Luther that he won't take part in murdering Jack. Luther reminds him that he was already involved in murder by being involved in the shipwrecks. Why do you think Freeman didn't have a problem with killing people by wrecking ships, but won't get involved in directly killing Jack?
b) We see a "trickier" side of Jack. First he lies about not signing the paper (despite the fact that it was done under duress) and then he kicks Luther. Is this out of character for Jack?
c) The mountie tells Jack that "...even if the law demands proof, sometimes justice doesn't". What does he mean by this?
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