Quite a change in events! After pondering suicide in the last chapters, Jack is now a proud landowner - on Grand Manan! On top of that, he also owns a fishing boat! This is everything Jack has been dreaming of. Now, as he returns to Grand Manan, what wonderful thoughts must be racing through his head.
a) Albert Roach left Jack his estate, which turned out to be much more than Jack would have guessed. Five hundered dollars was a lot of money in 1940. On top of that, he left Jack land on Two Island and Grand Manan and a fishing boat! Which of these (money, land, boat) would Jack have valued more? Which would he have valued least? Why?

b) As Jack returns to Grand Manan on the ferry from Saint John, he meets Everett Ferguson, a wounded war veteran returning home. Given his friends death in the war and his own attempts to join the army, what must he have been thinking when faced with this reality of combat? Why do you think he and Everett seemed to hit it off so easily?
(left; the old Grand Manan Ferry)
Jack would have valued the boat more because he is traveling by boat. Through Grand Mannan Island and all around down through there. Because he left from up this way to go to Grand Mannnan. Now he can travel all around and back and forth with his boat.
A) i think that the boat would mean most to him becuase he is realy into fishing and boating. the land would mean the second most thing to him becuase he doesnt have a place to live, and the money lastly becuase he doesnt have anything to spend it on. but he might start a bisness of his own
Jack values the boat the most becasue he wanted to fish after Roch told him everything about it and the land is the least he wants to have.
a) I think that Jack would rather have the land or the money. With the land he could have a warm place with running water to stay, and with the money he could make more money by buying tools. I think Jack probably would have found them all to be equally important.
b) I think that Jack must have been thinking of his old friend that died in the war and been pitying Jack. They probably ot along so well because Jack felt bad for him and also they were both nice people.
i think Jack would value the boat the most because he loves the see and second the money because he needs the food and needs to eat and i think the land third because he has the money to live there.
i think Jack was surprised to see Everett with only one leg but Jacks a nice guy and is used to seeing people hurt like in jail, plus both guys can be or are sarcastic.
A) Well its fairly obvious that the old fishing boat was what Jack valued most, as it was his dream to go fishing.
The land was probably important too, as he could buy a home in Grand Manaan and actually live there.
And then there's the money, its an asset. But he probably would have been fine with ten dollars. But perhaps he valued the money then the land?
B) He must have had several things running through his mind, he probably felt pity for him at first, but once they started to talk that must have evaporated away. Jack and Everett became friends very easily, maybe it was because Jack helped him see that Lighthouse.
a.) I would say the boat he would be most valued to him because he always dreamed of going to Grand Manan fishing. And he would least value the money because all he wants to do is to go fishing and a place to stay. I think Jack would think that the money is good to have but not really needed for what he wants to do.
b.) Since he has want he wanted, a place to stay. money and most of all, his boat, he would think that he won't join the army now. If he did, he could lose all that he has and never get a chance with Elizabeth or Jenny.
A) i think that he valued the boat the most because he has always wanted to go fishing and he loved being on the white lady. and just by his reaction when he got the things, it seems that he didn't really care about the money.
B) i think that jack is probably glad he didn't go into the army because it doesn't appear that he really knew what war was like.
I think that Jack would value the boat most of all because Roach was talking about going fishing with him. So getting a boat of his own probably would have made him feel great. And I think that he would value the money the least because it might make him feel welcome in Grand Manan. I also think that it might make him feel good because he would get to know more people on the island.
I think that he would have been thinking "What if that was me?" when he saw Everett on the ferry. And I think they seemed like they had known each other because Jack could kind of relate because they were able to talk about war and other things like Grand Manan.
1) I think that Jack would value eaither the money or the boat more. The reason i think he would value thaemoney is because Jack isnt rich and probobly was never rich before.
a) I think Jack would have valued the Fishing Boat the most. Most people would have loved the money but Jack really loves to fish and wants to be a fisherman. I think the seccond most valued would be the land, I think it will make him feel like less of an outcast if he actually owns his own land in Grand Manan. The last for Jack anyways I think would be the money. Jack does need money but I don't think that would be his favourite thing.
b) Jack probably felt vary close to the war veteran without having to know him because of what happened to his friend. He didn't acually get to see his friend or go to his funeral, so maybe he felt this was his way for making up for not going to his funeral.
A) I think that jack would value the money the most because you need money to surrvive and I think that he would value the boat the least, although transportation is important what can you do with a boat when you live on grand manan other than go some place else.
A) I think that the most important thing that he got from Roach was the land in Grand Mannan because he always wanted to go back and live there.
B)I think that Jack and Everett got along well because I think that they are a like.
a) I think that the fishing boat was what Jack would have valued most. He always wanted to go fishing and now that he doesn’t get sea sick he can do any time he wants. I also think that he probably wouldn’t care about the money... that much. Money just buys you things but boats are what Jack really cares about. He also would have liked the land because he lives on Grand Manan now and near Elizabeth.
a) I think that he valued the boat the most because then he could make a living fishing. I think that he valued the money the least because he could easily get more money.
a)I think Jack values the boat the most because he always wanted to fish. With the boat he has a place to stay and can fish to receive food. Also, he grew a new interest in boats and Grand Manan. I think Jack values the land second-most because owning land in Grand Manan pretty much makes him a Grand Mananer. Lastly, Jack values the money the least because he has all he needs with the other two gifts. Although, he can buy new clothes with the money.
b) I'm not sure how Jack felt towards Everett. Jack just treated Everett like a friend.
a)I think that jack would valued the money and the boat because he can now go fishing and have lots to eat and that he would not have valued the land that much but would take it anyway.
a) I think that Jack would have enjoyed having the money, but he loves fishing the most. he probably is most happy with having the boat. as far as the land goes, he hasn't really shown too much interest in the land as he doesn't plan on using it, he plans on boarding with an old lady. So I think that the boat is what he values the most, but the property is what he values the least.
b) They both now what the war can do; Everett lost his leg, and Jacks friend was killed. So I don't think that he was too surprised with everett, just that he'd never seen someone with one leg.
I personally think that this story is a bit weird, because The mood of the story changes from chapter to chapter. One minute jacks about to jump off a bridge, the next he's on a ferry to Grand Manan happy as ever. this book is different than most books
A) I think that Jack was glad to get the money so he wouldn't be broke, and the boat to go fishing like he has dreamed about doing ever since meeting Robert. But i also think he valued the land on Grand Manan most because he loves it there and he can finaly be a 'Grand Mananer'.
B) I think Jack and the guy on the boat hit it off so well because they are the same in some ways.
a) It think it's might have been the fishing boat becasue Jack and Roach uesd to talk about fishing and the sea. The least was the money becasue Jack did not care for the money becasue wanted the boat to go fishing.
b)It's becasue Jack saw him self like Everett becasue Jack won't to go to the war, but now he saw Everett and how bad he looked.
A) I tick that jack wold like more is is the money because he need it more then what he has got. He needs to get some food the he need land. He he what's the land he will need a house.
B) That man is a very luky to be alive form it and that he is happy for hem too.
a) I think that jack would have valued the boat the most because he likes he to go fishing. I think that he would have valued the the money second so he could buy some clothes, food, and just some basic everyday essentials. I think he would have valued the land least.
a) I think he would have valued the boat more because he would be able to become a fisherman. I think he would have valued the land least because he would be able to buy stuff with the money and the land doesn't really mean anything.
b) Jack must have thought the war was scary, terrible and anything can happen in the war when he met Everett. I think they seemed to hit it off so easily because their both looking for someone and they both know alot of things.
Jack would have valued the boat more because he travels by the boat. Through Grand Manan, and all up around.
I think that Jack was probaly thinking about his old friend.
A) Jack would probably value his boat because he loves boats.
B)He would probably be thankful that he didn't join up. That could of been him. Everett likes boats just like Jack.
a)I think that Jack would value the fishing boat most out of all of the items and things that Roach passed down to him. I think this because Jack was so determined to start fishing once he set foot on Grand Manan Island, and so now he has the stuff to do it.
b)I think that Everett would have been thinking that he was taking a big risk but it was worth saving others. SOme people become aquainted to other people more easily, and this is obviously true for Jack and Everett. They immediately found interests and things to talk about, and that shows great friendship.
a) i think that Jack would value the fishing boat the most, and the land the least. Beacuse he was so in love with fishing when he was with Robert, and he missed it very much.
b)I think that when Jack met the wounded guy, they clicked, like, best friends or something. I hope they again and that they will be friends for a long time.
A) I think that Jack would have valued all of them alot because he wanted to be a fisherman, he had no money, he wanted to visit Grand Manan, and he thought that Two Island was beautiful. I think that he might have valued the money the least because he was going to be a fisherman so he would make more. And I think that he would have valued to land and the boat the most.
B) I think that at first Jack showed pity for Everett and then after eh got to know him they became friends. Also I think that they became friends partly because Jack and Everett both seem to be really nice guys, and also Jack helped Everett so that he could see the lighthouse.
1. i think jack treasures the boat more because he was on the boat with jack and he knows more about boats now.I THINK HE WOULD HAVE VALUE THE LAND THE MOST..
1) I think that jack would have probably wanted the money or the land because for the land he could bulid a little home and the money could help with the house buliding.
2)Jack could be thinking of his old friend that died from the war along time ago. They where probably very close.
A)Jack would rather have the boat then the money and the land because he had a good time with Robert on his boat.
a) I think that Jack would have treasured the boat the most because Roach really wanted Jack to go fishing on Grand manan and when Roach died I think that is what Jack really wanted to do it for Roach.
b) I think that Jack is thinking about how hurt this guy might be and is wondering how bad he feels.
a) I think that he valued the boat the most because he has had a dream of fishing. I think that he would have valued the land the least.
b) I think he was probably glad that he didn't join the army. I think they hit off so easily because he had a buddy that died in the war and feels bad for this guy.
1. boat roach died and he want to go fish. The money, it is not material things that he can treasure.
2. Jack felt really lucky to have both legs cause it would be really hard for everett to get around.
A) I think he would value the boat the most because he loves to fish. I think he would value the land the least because he would live on his boat.
B)Maybe because Jack wanted to ask a lot of questions and Everett liked to talk about it?
jack would have valued the boat because he likes going to grand manan and he likes the ocean.
A) I think that jack would value the boat instead of the land.
B) I think that jack is mad because he remembered one of his friends that died.
A) I think that he would value the boat the most because since he was on the boat he wanted to have one and be a fisherman. I think that the money would value the least becuase the land and the bout you have to buy and they would both be more than 500 dollars worth of money.
B) I think that when he saw Everett he didn't want to get hurt in the war so he got nervous.
A)jack would of valued the boat the most so he could go from grand manan to st.john to see jenny.
He would ow valued the money the least because he could get money from fishing with the boat.
B)Jack must have been thinking of his old friend that died in the war.
I think that the land would have valued him the least... mostly because it was on two island and you really wouldnt sell it so it would be less valuable to him
I think that with jack seeing Everett it gave him a taste of reality and what could have happened to him if he had joined the army, I also think that Jack and Everett hit it off because he was from grand manan and seemed to like fishing so yeah.
I think that Jack would cherish the boat the most because he wants to be a fisherman and I think that he would cherish the land least because he could just live on his boat. I think that Jack see’s some of his old friend that died in Everett and that made him want to get to know him then he started to like him more
a) I think the fishing boat would be the most thing he would value because he could use it more and get more use out of it. He would also get more money out of it too. I think the land on Two Island because he wouldn’t really go there to live. I would say that because Grand Manan is more popular and has more stuff to provide you with.
b) I think it is because they know each other or something. I have no idea about Everett. But yah, I think that they know each other from the war, or something along that.
Derek Small Said...
a) Albert Roach left Jack his estate, which turned out to be much more than Jack would have guessed. Five hundred dollars was a lot of money in 1940. On top of that, he left Jack land on Two Island and Grand Manan and a fishing boat! Which of these (money, land, and boat) would Jack have valued more? Which would he have valued least? Why? He probably would have valued the money the most because he did not have very much money at all and he also needed it to survive. I think that he would have valued the land the least because he loved being out on the water and loved being on a boat and making more money.
b) As Jack returns to Grand Manan on the ferry from Saint John, he meets Everett Ferguson, a wounded war veteran returning home. Given his friends death in the war and his own attempts to join the army, what must he have been thinking when faced with this reality of combat? Why do you think he and Everett seemed to hit it off so easily? I think that he was able to hit off so easily because I think that Everett had been in the war before and that he knew what to do and how to do it easily.
i think that jack would like the boat more becasue he always wanted one to go fishing. and the least one is the land beacuse he wont have money to build anything.
this book just keeps getting better and better every chapter. i think that this book is a little hard to get at the first but after you lurn all of the carecters names it is easer to understand.
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