The opening chapters alternate settings between a provincial jail and the southern coast of Grand Manan Island. We meet Jack, who puts his own life in danger to save that of a stranger. We also meet Luther and Freeman, two entrepreneurs from Grand Manan.
a) What is your first impression of Jack? He is in jail, but about to be released, for a crime he claims he did not commit. Compare and contrast your first impressions of Jack to York, the main character from
Flu Shot. What is it that leads your first impressions about Jack?

b) The seafarers in the boat couldn't see the light in Southern Head in the thick fog, storm and high seas. The beacon suddenly appears, just before they unexpectedly crash unto the rocks. Sixty years ago, boats did not have the benefit of GPS and electronic navigation and it appears that this is not the first boat aground on the rocks. Do you think it would have been common for them to be so wrong about their location?
c) This was a freighter, not a fishing boat. What would it have been carrying? Were boats more important to life on Grand Manan in the 1940's than they are today? Why?
a)I think Jack is a pretty good person. I mean, you don't see crimanals saving lives in jail, do you? And, I think he is kinda like York.
b)Some people can be pretty good navigators, so it might not be that common to make mistakes.
c)I think it would probably be carrying food and clothing materials, oil, gas, and objects from around the world. boats are very important back then. Boats are a mean of transportation, to catch fish, and carry food and other things to ports.
a)My first impression of Jack is a very difficult impression to describe. I feel that he must have done something wrong to end up in jail, but then again lots of books main characters or characters that are focused on are usually "good guys". Although someone is in jail, like Jack had said, it is possible to have been blamed for something you didn't even do in the first place.
b) In the setting time of this book, it must be common for boats to be so wrong about their location. First of all, there wouldn't have been any technical machinery to work with to navigate as we discussed in our class. It would have been much more difficult to decide what direction to head in.
c)A freighter is a boat that brings food, and supplies to a certain location from another. In this case, it may have been carrying food,oil, or anything else that Grand Manan was in need of at the time. Boats may or may not have been more important in the 1940's, when you think about what we have know for transportation compared to what they did in that certain time, they may have been more important in the 1940's. We know have a ferry, which can also bring over supplies.
A) My first impression of Jack is that he is a young man who will do almost anything to help someone else. When he saved Roach that's what made me think that he will do anything.
B) Yes, I think that it was very common for boats to be wrong about their location. There have been alot of boats that have ran into the rocks because they didn't know where they were and they were wrong about their location.
C) Since it was a freighter is could have been carrying oil, wine, or boxes full of almost anything to the island. Yes, boats were more important back then but still hundreds of families still depend on fishing to biring in the money.
a) My first impression of jack, is that he is someone who is daring, or brave. i mean jumping infront of someone so they dont get stabbed, is pretty brave, i think. I think comparing Jack, and York, i think that they could be similar, in some ways.
b) i think that it would have been pretty common, Grand Manan isnt a well known Island.
c) I think that boats were wayyyyyy more important back in the 1940's only because that was basically, the only way to somewhere,you wanted to go, and it brought over the food, and water, and stuff like that.
1. My first impression is that he is kind of strange, and he likes to get in trouble alot.
2. They probably just want to get Grand Manan and they couldn't see where they were going and they didn't have anything to see out the window with.
3. Yeah because there is not much work to do back then and they had nothing to do for work so they would just drive around in the boats.
A) My first impression of jack is that he is a nice person.
They just want to get stuff done on own and quick.
B)For some fishermen it might of been because thery dont really no there way around the island but some of the older ones do.
C)It would of been food and supplies. Yes because that would of been the olny job for them to do.
jordan g
a) My first inpression of Jack is that he isn't the nicest one, but the once the story went on a little bit I started to rethink it and I think he is a nice person.
Jack and York are all most the same it's just a little different because York was away in the army and Jack is away in jail.
b) No I would not think it was wronge because they neevr had anything to use it with to show them where they are.
c)A freighter would carry food or stuff like supplies that they needed. I think that they where yes because they never had alot of money to buy the boats and fix them up with.
a) The similarity between Jack and York is that they both saved someone. The difference between them is that York never went to prison.
My first impression of Jack was that he was brave enough to save someone from a slashing knife.
b) Yes I think it would have been common for them to be so wrong about their location because it was really foggy out and they couldn't see the light through the fog.
c) The freighter would have been carrying freight and cargo. Boats are more important know because they help us get to the mainland and help us get food for our families.
a) Well my first impression about Jake was that maby he was untrustworthy. Later on in the book I could trust him to be good. He is a good man and very nice he can be trusted. I think he is very much like york becausse he saved people and so did york.
I think it is very nice that he stayed by roach's side when he was died and that made me think maby he will do anything.
b)I think it would have been common for boats to crash because they can't see where they are going. They probly had alott of troble tring to find where they were going.
c) Scince the boat was a freighter it could have been carring almost anything. Back then alot of families depended on fishing for a living.
my first impression of jack was a bad person somone that gets introuble alot.
york was nice and didn't get introuble but jack and york are very different.
B)i think that lots of people would do that because there was no radars back then.
C)i think that there would have been food and supplies on it instead of oil like there is now.
a)I think he sounds like a good person because he cared for roach when he got hurt. umm I think that they are completely different people because york was in the army not in jail, jacks wasin jail.
b)No I don't think it would wrong because they did not have gps they had to go by lighthouses and beacons.
c) A frieghter is a boat the brings supplies to one place to another it would probaly carry there supplies. yes because they would never have alot of money and now in 2007 we have alot of money.
A) I think that Jack is sort of like York because he is like one of those loner guys that doesn’t do anything really, but still ends up helping a person out of things. I think jack is an okay guy and I think that he didn’t do anything wrong.
B) Yes I think it would be common because people would have to see the boat and shine the beacon but sometimes they could mistake and not show the beacon and the boats would crash.
C) Boats are just the same importance as it was then to it is now because we still need boats to ship stuff over here so we can live.
a) my first impression of jack is that he is in jail for somthing that he did not do and evry one thinks that he did it and he is the type of guy that wants to go fishing really bad
b)i think yes and they should have made somthing like a gps so they would know where they were going
c)yes becuase they would have to go places to get there stuff and we can just go to the store.
A)My first impression of jack is that he is very nice and he would not hurt anyone. I think that jack is way different than jack becuause york was more timid than jack but they are the same becuase they both tryed to save people.
B) yes i think it would because they did not have anything to tell them where they are. only a map.
C) a freighter could carry anything. yes boats where more important then becuase that was the biggest job then becuase they did not have any electronic divises then but they do now.
a) I think Jack is a pretty cool guy!I Don't think there alike at all.
b) I think that they should have been able to see the rocks cuz you can see some stuff when it's foggy!
c) It would have been carrying food and other items that we need on the island, yes they were more important because that was the only good paying job back then.
A) My first impression of jack is that he is nice because he doesn’t fight back against Masterson and when Masterson blamed it on Jack he didn’t freak out and get mad.
B) No because they can't control where they are going in the boat because the water is so rough and the waves are making them go in that direction.
C) Yes they are more important back in the 1940's than they are now because they didn’t have much transportation back then and now we have a whole bunch of things now.
so far i like this book it pulls you in really good, it pretty bad when the teacher get into it and read jsut so he knows what happendd next. I want to know what happends every chapter and every page.
a) When we started talking about Jack he kinda reminded me of York in the Flu Shot book. That he was brave, daring, and not afraid. Even tho he didnt do the crime but he will still not let anything in his way.
a) I think that jack is a pretty good person because alot of criminals wouldnt save somebody's life while in jail.
b) it might be quite commen for them to be wrong because we have advanced technology now making it easier to navigate... plus it wouldnt be the smartest thing to try and dock at southern head
b) I think that they were either carrying wood or food or supplies i mostly think it would be wood because there woult constantly be buildinge being made because of the settlement
1. My first thought of jack was that he was a nice person. I wouldnt expect a original criminal to help someone in jail.
2. i think that it would be common that they crashed. if it is foggy and dark, etc, then it would be hard to see the rocks. If the lighthouse wasnt niticible until it was too late, it was a lost cause.
3. i think that the boat was carrying things that Grand Manan needed. like food, cloths, and other things we needed at that time.
Comment besides questions: Alot of books are "boring" until about the 3rd chapter, because you dont know what was going on. I liked this book almost the instant my teacher started reading. You started the book well, and I am very curious about what is going to happen next. you write great books, and i hope life is well for you.
A. I think my impression of jack is that he is not a bad guy and he is in jail because he was being kind to his brother. I don’t think he relates to York because he is a little less cranky and cares a little more than York.
B. No I don’t think that this is common because lighthouses are made to ward off people off from the rocks.
C. Yes, because boats were used to fish and transport things
I apologize for double posting, but i forgot to answer all of the first question.
The rest of a) At first i didnt really like York much at first, but i liked Jack as soon as i heard a few pages about him. I think that they are both good people, but York is a little better becuase he was in the army.
a)I thought Jack when I heard about hom that he was Brave, daring and has alot of courage he kinda reminded me of York from the Flu Shot.
b) Well it depends if you spend your life at seas and you know the ocean like the back of your hand. But going through fog is hard. They had nothing to benefit them so they couldnt get through but landing on Grand Manan is good for them.
c) On a frieghter they usually carrie food clothes and stuff to help us surive and boats are really important to Grand Manan Because we hae no bridges to get over to places so boats also help us with bussiness, and help us make lots of money. So boast here are really important.
A. My first impression of jack was he was just another jail mate that did a crime I also thought he was an old man then later on in the book I realized he was a kind person and will do anything to save a jail mate or person
Hi my name is Danielle I really like the beginning of this book and I really hope the rest of the book is something like it. a)My first impression of Jack was that he was probably a nice guy, but put in jail for something he was going to do but ended up not doing. But the guy that did the crime framed Jack and now he was in jail. But I never thought that he would get out of jail early and want to go fishing on Grand Manan. When I hear this story i think to myself what would it have been like to almost die in jail because of a fight you were involved in to save some guys life. Would it have been worth it? But then he got out of jail early and that surprised me I really didn't see that coming.
b) Yes I do think that it would have been common for them to go wrong like this. I think that it would be esier to get off coarse with out technology than it is with it.especially in this situation.
c) If it was a freighter i think that it would have been carrying something like oil or food or maybe things for the stores. And yes I do think that boats would have been more important back then than they are now, because they didn't have the same technology we do today.
a) I think that that jack is a pretty good guy not really like york because york was a loner but i think they might have some traits that are the same and may have similair personalaties
b) Some people are very good navigators so it might be common to make mistakes like that but there would also be quite hard not to crash when you have really thick fog.
c) The freighter may be carrying food medicine and maby wood due to the growing population of grand manan. But still there are alot of famalies that still depend on fishing for money
A)I find that jake is pretty ok person, for someone who is in jail and all. I find that jake and york are kidna that same there i the same kind of spot with people.
B)yes i think it would be because they could see the stuff around them, But If you didnt you would be kind of lost in this hole area unless you had markers or stuff like that.
C) Thestuff on the boats would be food,gas, Anything that they mit need on a island really, They would need the boat alot becaues they would have the stuff they need and hold more then the fishign boats.
a) My first impression of Jack, He is a very brave person. He would be someone that would help people like Jenny when he jumped into of her so that she wouldn’t get stabbed. When it comes to comparing York and Jack they have some things in common like bravery.
b) I think that is was very common back then to get lost because they didn’t have the technology that we have today.
c) I think that boats were more important in the 1940’s because it carried supplies for them to live in everyday life. Also if you wanted to go somewhere that is the only way to get off.
Derek-S-gmcs said
1. I think that Jack is a good guy but very unlucky because he got put in jail for something that he did not do. He also is a good guy in my view because he tried to save someone’s life so that the other guy would not kill him. York was a guy that tried to save lots of people and he was in the war. They were both brave and they were both in the same spot like as in danger in both of the book like when York was trying to get away from the army.
2. Yes because if they did not have the GPS or the radar that they never would have known where they had to go or where the heck they were in the world unless they had already been there before and know exactly where to go and remember where they had to go last time.
3. This was a freighter, not a fishing boat. What would it have been carrying? Were boats more important to life on Grand Manan in the 1940's than they are today? Why?
A freighter might have been carrying cargo and ships were quite important as they are now because it does take quite a long time to build them and they don’t want to make another one.
a) I think jack seems like he is brave. He seems to have a big heart. Jumping in front of someone that you don’t know so that they don’t get hurt, is pretty daring.
b) I think it would be common for them to be wrong, because not a lot of people know that Grand Manan is there. It’s not a very well known place.
c) It probably would have been carrying freight. I think that boats we’re a whole lot more important in the 1940’s because, really, that’s the only thing you had to get anywhere. Boat’s we’re used for a lot around here.
1) My first impressiton of jack is that he guess he must of done something to end up and jail but maybe he was mastaken and thats why they are letting him out,York and jack are diffrent but the same, that is becasue Jack is kind i think and nice and likes to help people and for York he was all shy and dident want anything to do with anyone but at the end of the book he was a total diffent guy.
b)Yes i think that it would be common for boats to be so wrong about there location because back then they dident have anytechnical machinery work to use.
c)A freighter is a boat that brings supplys and food to a place where it is told to bring it
Well in the 1940's they would need they boats to take there stuff but i think that now boats would be more important now becasue we need them no that familys that have dads that go fishing could go and get there money to support there, family, and anyway our GrandManan 5 bring supplies and food over to us example: Mail frate and other stuff.
a)My first impression of Jack is a caring person that is willing to get hurt to save some one's life. I don't think that he is very much like York. My first impressions of Jack are lead by the fact that he stepted in and saved Roach's life.
b)I think that it would have been common for them to be wrong about their location, especailly if they were in all the fog.
c)It would have been carrying supplies to do daily life. Yes, boats were more important to life on Grand Manan in the 1940's because there was less jobs than there is today.
A) I think jack seems like he is brave. And i compare him and york because there both Really nice and brave.
c) It probably would have been carrying freight. I think that boats we’re a whole lot more important in the 1940’s because, really, that’s the only thing you had to get anywhere. Boat’s we’re used for a lot around here.
The boat could have been carring some boxes filled with stuff or it could have been carring oil or something like that.
I think that it would have been common for boats to be wrong about their location
i think jake is a good guy but just dont get on his bad side. on that boat i think they would have had like box with suplies maybe sence its not a fighing boat. umm i also think that the boats would be moreimportent then, then they are now sence we have more tecnolagy but they may have more now because of tecnolagy...imnot really sure
a)Jack is a cool guy he seems to be nice like the main Character in Flu Shot York. I thinlk he will end up being good along the way like York was in Flu Shot.
c)The freighter was probably carrying amo for guns or maybe some bombs. Could have been carrying some food for people or maybe even furniture.
i think that Jack is like York alot and yeah... i don't know.. so yeah. anyways thats what i think
a. I think Jack is not suposed to be in jail. He is not like York, york mwas old and mean and JAck saved somebodies life.
b. no, there probobly aint that much fog all the time.
c. Most likely, because they would probably rely on alot of fish and food, and if theyre an island then thye cant just walk over to another town and get some food. The boat was probably carrying food and supplies or sumthing like that.
a) I think Jack is a good person because he didn't do anything to get into jail and he saced someone's life in jail. York and him are pretty much the same becasue they both are really nice.
b) I don't think it would be a common thing for the boats to crash becasue they have to be a driver to be able to drive a boat.
c) I think the boat would be carrying food, oil and lots of other stuff.
I have a question. The story goes from a jail to a boat. Does this mean that the jail is acually on the boat? How are the two places connected?
A) My first impression of Jack is that he is is brave and I think he deserves to get out of jail.
B)no, theres not always that much fog there but some days are worse than others.
C) I think that the boat was carrying goods and food supplies.
For the first one, my first impression of Jack was that he was a guy that did some bad things but did not mean to commit a crime. For the second one, I think they were probably wrong alot because they didn't have the modern technology that we have now. And for the third one, I think that they would have probably been just as important as they are today because they are on an island.
i think jack seems pretty crafty, with the making a rope from the sheets, hes and he defiantly reminds me of York. and that nurse reminds me of cat. boat crashes were defiantly more common back then but i think someone is manning the light house and turning it on and off. the ship was pro/b/ably caring food. sadly it pro/b/ably wasn't canned fish....... as far as complaining about the book i think it goes /b/ack and forth to often, they should only do it every once and awhile.
a)My first impression of jack was kind of confusing because at first i thought that he was a "bad person" and that he must be on something in order to get in a knife fight , but then he says that he didn't do it and someone is watching him save another persons life so my opinion on him is slowly changing.but the fact that he might have done something to get in jail still stays with me a bit.
So far i like the story it is hard to get into but by the time you reach the second chapter Jack reminds me of York,a loner and doesn't have many friends but in the end he'll probably be a big time hero....
A) My first impression of Jack was he was brave but some what a trouble maker. After the story went on he kind of changed. Jack and York are kind of alike in some ways but they do have there differences.
Well Jack Seems like a pretty good person and i think that he didn't commit the crime and he is getting blamed for somthing that he didn't do.
I really enjoy readig your books. Jack has done somthing that has put him in jail, so Im not sure what is really going to happen to Jack i do hope they will let him out but I dont no he could of done what he said he dident but i dont think that he should lie about it because he will get in more trouble and Jack does souns like a nice man but you never no
by Holly p.s i really like the books there very interesting
So far, i think that Jack is a really nice person and i believe that he didnt do the crime he was punished for. i guess he is like York. People stereo typed him too.
a) I don't have a first impression of Jack because I'm really confused. By the time I figured out who the characters were the location and characters changed. Is the boat and prison connected?
Jack seems like a nice guy because he tried to save his cellmate.
I think that it would of been common for people to be wrong about their location in the water and crash in to rocks espically if the light house lights were not working.
I think that the boat could of been carrying food, oil, clothes, or people. They were very important back then because that was one of the only ways to travel
A)I think that my first impression on jack is that he is a good person even though he is in jail. i think that Jack is alot like york.
B)I think that be then it must of been common to make mistakes.
C)I think that the boat would have been carrying maybe some oil or gas. also it might be carrying some wood or steel supplies.
I think that boats were very important in Grand Mannan for transportation and carrying supplies
a) Jack seems to be a good person, but hey? Maybe he was telling lies and did in fact rob a store. But he did save the nurses life... But even bad people save lives, to get out of jail quicker and uh commit crimes again. York and Jack... Both four letter names. Maybe they will have more in common?
b) I do not think it would be common to be lost, I mean navigators are trained, and not usually wrong. But storms change things. Under normal seafaring circumstances, uncommon. Under storms, fairly common I suppose.
c) The boat was smuggling, it just seems like it... And I am pretty sure I remember the fisherman talking about special fishing. Or maybe they were not smugglers and just bringing in supplies, oil food, etc. I suppose boats were more important, less jobs... Less planes... Less...less...
a.) Jack sounds like the person who would be at the wrong place at the wrong time most times he's in trouble. Jack and York are quiet different. York was alone and wasn't getting in trouble a lot while Jack was in trouble (Jail) and he's with friends on the boat.
b.) I wouldn't think it would be that common since they are maps in 1940, so they can point out there approximate crash site. Also, there are many people who can navigate well so that could help the situation.
c.) Most of these boats would carry materials like oil and more.
a) My first impression of Jack is that he is an average person who was blamed for a crime he didn't commit and therefore got involved with people he didn't want to be involved with. He is set up several times as the "bad guy" and is easily in a good position to be blamed. Although he could be guilty of those crimes because things aren't always as they seem. He did save the man's life, but his reasons for stepping in the fight could have been different. But he seems to be an honest person and so far he seems to be a respectable young man who is in a disrespectful position. York is different than Jack because of the setting they are placed in. They both think through situations and try to use their resources to make the best of unpleasent positions. York didn't communicate with other people as much as Jack does though.
b) It could have been common for them to navigate so incorrectly because of the fog and less advanced technology, but they were folloeing the light that suddenly appeared. I think that the men who threw the mate in the water had something to do with the light. But people still did manage to travel through the fog with the instruments they had back then.
c) This boat could have been transporting materials to neighboring villages or towns.They were more important because they were needed to deliver supplies needed for survival to different places.
my first impresstion of jack is that he is a nice person that didnt do any crimes and that mastersin is the one that did it.
jack nd york are mostly alike but the books are a bit diffrent.
B. yes it would be commin.
c) they are more buildit and more safe. because the people are more smart.
My first impression of Jack is that he is a young man who will do almost anything to help someone else. When he saved Roach that's what made me think that he will do anything.
Yes, I think that it was very common for boats to be wrong about their location. There have been alot of boats that have ran into the rocks because they didn't know where they were and they were wrong about their location.
Since it was a freighter is could have been carrying oil, wine, or boxes full of almost anything to the island. Yes, boats were more important back then but still hundreds of families still depend on fishing to biring in the money.
I think he wanted to join even though his friend died because he thinks it will be respectful to his friend
i think that Jack should have stayed to see Jenny because we know Jack likes Jenny, and i think she likes him back.
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