Just when all appears to be settling down for him, he saves the day after their boat is sabotaged.
a) Jack and Robert had a close call when their boat was tampered with. Who might have done this? Why do you think someone would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives?
b) Jacks heroics have put him in good standing with Robert. After all he has been through, what do you think Robert's trust and respect does for Jack?
c) Two chapters have ended with snapshots of Jenny back in Saint John. What do you think Dr. Lacey (the author) is trying to do by giving us these quick flashes back to her.
I think that Luther messed with their boat to teach them a lesson but I also think that Luther and Robert have history and something happened between them. I think that with the respect Jack is getting Robert might hand the boat over to him latter in the book. I think Dr. Lacey is planning to have more scenes with jack and jenny and that will eventually they will get married.
a) I think that Luther might have done this because of when he was drunk and he made a big deal about Jake running into his girl friend. I think that’s he would do this for pay back and I think he was drunk when he did this and then he didn’t realize what he did when he was sober.
b) I think it helps him in a lot of ways because he gets the trust to do more for Robert, and Robert can trust Jake more so he can tell him any thing at any time about any thing.
c) I think that she misses living in Saint John and she wants to go back but we don’t know that quit yet, but we might find out soon enough, the author might surprise us.
a)I think it might have been Luther freeman, well he was drunk, he probobly wasn't thinking correctly.
b)I think that now that Jack feels trusted he doesn't think of jail much anymore. I think that jack will do much more work.
c)Because she is trying to make you think of Jenny and Jack, and how Jenny has been stood up.
a)I think Luther and Freemen could of done this. I think they did it because when they were drunk they didnt like jack or robert so they decided that they would disable the lines.
b)It makes Jack more confident and he can do anything if he set his mind to it. Also sience Robert trust jack that might make it so if Jack tries to get a job like Marines Robert could tell them how trust worthy so he could get the job easier.
c)So we know what Jenny is thinking about whats happening to jack and how we know whats going on...because they were best friends and we need to know points of view of other people.
a)I think that Luther was the one that sabotaged their boat because he thought that Jack Bumped into his girlfriend. so Luther wanted to start something with Jack.
b)I think that Roberts respsct for Jack makes Jack feel good about himself because he just got out of jail and he has a new friend.
c)I think that Dr. Lacey is trying to show how Jennie feels about Jack ditching her to go to grand manan
1) Well of all of the people we have met so far most people would asume it to be Luther and Freemen. But I feel it's a different character. If you look back to the first few chapters and remember Jack cost Webster aka the gaurd from the first chapter, and he made him lose his job. Now from what I can tell I would have to go with the Webster because he has a bigger motive.
2)Well I may be miss reading the questiopn but I feel that Jack must feel a lot more at home know. From the fact that Robert is being so nice to Jack now and Jack feels more comferted on the boat. More like a life long boater rather then the kid that just joined.
3) Probably and most likely she is going to be back into the story otherwise I dont see why there would be any point at all what so ever to keep showing her. I can feel that she is going to become a big part in the story and its a way to keep her in the story.
1) Jack and Robert had a close call when their boat was tampered with. Who might have done this? Why do you think someone would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives?
I think that the drunk guy Luther might have done it because he was drunk and jack bumped into his girl friend and he got mad.
2) Jacks heroics have put him in good standing with Robert. After all he has been through, what do you think Robert's trust and respect does for Jack?
I think that Robert trust jack because they have been through a lot together and they have become closer and I don’t think that jack will ever lie to Robert.
3) Two chapters have ended with snapshots of Jenny back in Saint John. What do you think Dr. Lacey (the author) is trying to do by giving us these quick flashes back to her.
I think it is because they will meet up again and then she will be in the story more.
a)I think that the Luther guy, and his drunken girlfriend did this. But why? I think he would have wanted to disable the boat because well, 1, they were drunk, and 2 Luther was probably mad at them for whatever reason.
b) After this experience I think the respect that Robert has for Jack will boost Jack’s confidence in him self and make him feel like he has sort of a family now.
c)I think Dr. Lacey is trying to sort of tell us that there will be more to the story betweenJack and Jenny. And that they will meet again later on in the book. I really hope that something like this happens.
a)I think the people that disabled the boat are Luther and his girlfriend. I think they did it because they are mean/bad people!
b)I think it would make Jack feel good because he is being really nice to him. I think Jack would feel really useful.
c)I think her is putting the flashes there because the Dr. Lacey wants us to remember that she is still there because I think she will re-appear in the book later and he wants to remember her.
a. Jack and Robert had a close call when their boat was tampered with. Who might have done this? Why do you think someone would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives?
I think that it was most likely to be Luther tampered with the boat because they had ran into him earlier, he also noticed that they were walking down to the wharf for the night.
b. Jacks heroics have put him in good standing with Robert. After all he has been through, what do you think Robert's trust and respect does for Jack?
I think that it makes him as a better person and I think that Robert really trusts Jack.
c. Two chapters have ended with snapshots of Jenny back in Saint John. What do you think Dr. Lacey (the author) is trying to do by giving us these quick flashes back to her.
I think that he just wants to keep our minds fresh because she is going to take a bigger part in the story later on.
a. I think that Luther messed up there boat because when they got in to a little fight on the wharf.
b. I think it makes him give him a good job and let him work on the boat for as long AS HE WANTS TO
c. that she is going to come back in the story at the end of the book.
A) i think that Luther may have tampered with their boat because he was drunk and wanted a fight and when he didnt get the fight he messed up their boat.
B)i think that Roberts trust and respect for Jack makes Jack feel respect and that the whole world isnt out to get him.
C) i think that Dr.Lacey is trying to show that eather she is mad that Jack didnt show up or she is worried about him going missing.
a)I think that it was that drunk guy disabled there boat because he was mad that he could not get a fight going.
b)I think that it will get Jack a full time job and a place to stay and some money.
c)I think that she is going to Appear more then a chapter once in a wile and find out were Jack went.
a) I think that it was Luther and that tampered with the bout because Luther got pretty mad when he though that Jack ran into his “girl” and even after they were leaving it seemed like he was still rather mad.
b) I think Roberts trust and respect for jack makes him feel like he is important and boosts his self-esteem in general. I also think that it makes jack feel that he is doing something right and that he is being accepted some where.
c) I think that by these flash backs to Jenny that the author is trying to help us remember her and I also think that she will be a main character later in the story.
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[Photo]After stumbling upon an opportunity to work his way to Grand Manan upon a small freighter, and enduring his first case of seasickness, Jack finally sees Grand Manan. He impresses Robert, his new boss, with how quick he picks up some basic seamanship.
Just when all appears to be settling down for him, he saves the day after their boat is sabotaged.
a) Jack and Robert had a close call when their boat was tampered with. Who might have done this? Why do you think someone would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives?
I think luther and freemen would have done this to make sure jack wouldnt tamper with his hooker girlfriend.
and mabey to kepp them from finding out out what they did to the guy they through overboard.
b) Jacks heroics have put him in good standing with Robert. After all he has been through, what do you think Robert's trust and respect does for Jack?
I think Jack really likes Robert and they are going to fish together and then Jack goes back to Saint John and finds Jenny and she comes to Grand Manan and they live there.
c) Two chapters have ended with snapshots of Jenny back in Saint John. What do you think Dr. Lacey (the author) is trying to do by giving us these quick flashes back to her.
I think he does that to see what she is doing wile Jack is fishing with Robert.
1) i think that the drunk guy did it because he had a big fit about jake, running into his girlfriend. and the drunk guy probably want to get jake back for running into his girlfriend.
2)the trust and repect that jake is getting is probably making jake happy and there most like good buddies now or they will be soon
3)jenny and jake are probably going to meet some where or sometime and they just want us to remember shes still in the storie.
a) I think that someone may want to diable their boat because they are jealous, or they may even want revenge. I think that Luther and Freeman could have done this, which is only a guess of a posibility.
b)I think that Roberts respect and trust of Jack will uncourage Jack, and build him up to be more comfident in himself.
c)I think that Dr. Lacey is trying to lead our minds and thoughts back to Jenny, and what is happening in her standing. He may be trying to get us thinking about what will happen with Jenny in the furture; if Jack will still be involved with her, there are many posibilities.
a) I think it was Luther because Luther thought Jack had bumped into his girl and wanted to get him back.
b) I think Robert's trust and respect helps Jack see that Robert's likes him for who is he.
c) I think Dr.Lacey is giving us quick flashes so we know how Jenny's doing when she doesn't find Jack.
Dr.Lacy, my teacher Miss. McQuaid says weir and scallops differnt than us Grand Mananers.
A)I think that Luther was the one who tampered with the boat. He was mad at Jack and Robert because Jack ran into his girlfriend, and Luther got mad. Also Luther might have seen Jack and Robert going down to the boat to sleep and he wanted to kill them.
B) I think that Robert's respect for Jack has a big impact on Jack. He just got out of jail and he has a new friend and they both trust eachother.
C) I think that Dr. Lacey is trying to tell us that something has happened to Jenny or for us not to forget her because she will come back into the story sometime.
A) i think that it was Luther, because Jack "messed" with his girl. And i think he did it to show his anger, even thought he was probably still drunk.
b)I think the trust and respect shows jack, that he is a good man, and it helps him to not think about jail, and the bad things that has happened to him in the past.
c)I think Dr. Lacey, it trying to get us to think about her, as if Jack was very interested in her... and now that the other girl is in teh story i think he is doing it to try and make us think.
a) I think that Luther did it because that night he got in a fight with Jack and he was drunk.
b) I think that Roberts trust for jack makes him stronger and more wiser in what he does.
c) I think that he is doing it because i think thta Jack is going to go back to her. I also think that Jenny is going to come to Grannd manan.
A) I think that it was Luther that done that too there boat because I think that Luther was drinking,and he dident relize that he could hurt someone bad.
B)It proably helps him alot knowing that someone finallys trust him,and they both trust eachother so they can tell eachother how they feel and stuff.
c)I think that maybe he might be trying to tell us that Jenny misses it in Saint John, but i am not sure.
a) i think that joan might of messed up the boat and made it float off like that it was a bad night for them. if i were them i would cheak that fuel line and start it up so the boat would be fast to get out of there.
B) well i think that robert an jack is a nice person and i think that they can be good frineds in some point of life any way i think that they can work and sale together forever.
C) i think that she still likes jack and she is waiting fo him to come back and i tink that jack really really wants to see jenny agein so they will be happy to be together.
1. I think that luther messed with there boat because something happened between them and he is getting him back.
2. I think that robert trust luther more now because he helps him alot around the boat and stuff.
3. I think that she misses saint john and she wants to go back.
A) I think that it was Luther because he was mad at them and drunk.
B) Robert would like Jack because he has no family and o where to go and he wants to keep jack for as long as he can.
C) I think he is trying to say that Jenny is going to come to Grand Manan or there going to meet some where and he doesn’t want us to forget about her.
A) I think that it was Luther because he was mad at them and drunk.
B) Robert would like Jack because he has no family and o where to go and he wants to keep jack for as long as he can.
C) I think he is trying to say that Jenny is going to come to Grand Manan or there going to meet some where and he doesn’t want us to forget about her.
Dr. Lacey- When you were creating Jack to be the main character of your book, did you plan on him being anything like York in "Flu Shot"? When you think about their characteristics individually, they do seem a bit similar in personality.
Luther probably did it because he was mad at Robert and Jack and he was drunk.
I think Robert thinks Jack is a good kid and he trusts him.
I think he does that to makes us remember her. I think she is going to come back later on in the book.
A) The person that cut the lines and turned off the fuel in the boat was luther because jack said something about his girl.
B) i think that he feels good on roberts boat because he takes care of him and he respects him.
C) i think that jack is missing her and he is trying to remember really good.
i would like if there would be a 2nd book of this because this is a good and nice book i havnt seen or reed one like this it is difrent and i like it.
a) I think that Luther tampered with their boat. I think that where he was under the influence of alcohol, he didn't care if they died.
b) I think that Robert's trust in Jack now has him a secured spot with Robert. Now I think that Robert will make Jack a permanent spot on the crew.
c) I think that he is sending flashbacks of her because she and Jack will probably meet up later in the book.
a) I think that it was Luther that tampered with their boat. I think he did it because he thought that the guy on the boat was insulting his “woman” and he wanted to “get him back” for doing it.
b) I think it makes Jack feel like, he’s not a bad guy after all when someone respects him for who he is. It probably makes him feel like a really good person, when he thinks someone trusts him.
c)I think he is trying to show how Jenny really feels about Jack.
a) I think it was Luther, the drunk from Grand Manan on Freeman’s boat, which set the boat adrift for “insulting his girl”.
b) Roberts trust and respect shows Jack he thinks Jack’s a good man, which after the 2 years of prison, probably feels pretty good.
c) It’s showing that there will be more about her, she’s not just going to disappear.
A) I think that Luthar did it because he got really mad at both Jack and Robert for 'bumping' into his girlfriend. He took it a little to hard.
B) I think that Robert's respect and trust helps Jack be more confident about his work.
C)I think he is trying to let us know that Jack is still thinking of Jenny alot.
1. luther tampered with the boat he did it because his "girl" bumped inton jack and he blambed it on jack they were fighting about it.
2. i think it helps jack because he can trust him to stear the baot and do stuff for him.
3. the author is trying to make us not to forget about jenny...
the book is getting better because now that we've read this chapter there is starting to have aliitle more action and excitment and that makes a story better.
Robert tampered with the boat it wanted to do it to see if it would scare Jack. Or he might have done it to see if Jack would notice somebody had done something.
Dr.Lacey put the snapshots of Jenny in there so Jack can see her. I think it is because Jack likes Jenny. Dr.Lacey is trying to make Jack feel bad for leaving Jenny and going on the boat.
a) i think that jenny was tampering with the boat as revenge on jack for leaving without telling her.
/b/ i think that Robert doesn't respect jack because he thinks that jack tried to kill them by wrecking the boat.
c) Mr. lacy is obviously trying to make us think she cares about jack when really she is hunting him down!
A) I dont know who would have tampered with their boat and I dont know who who would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives
B) I think Robert's trust and respect helps him for get about all the jail stuff.
C) Im not sure why he is giving us these flash backs of her
a)i think it was luther, because robert said he was on that boat full of people who are no good, and because he was drunk, and because jack ran into his girlfriend
b) i think that his respect makes jack feel like a real sailor, so he might want to stay on the boat
c)i think he is trying to say that somehow, their going to meet up again, otherwise why whould she keep being mentioned in the book?
a) Luther could have been responsible for tampering their boat but I think that might be just what the author wants us to think. I think that him and a few others have a group of people who have some sort of purpose related to the "White Lady".
b) Now that Jack has aquired the respect and trustfrom Jack, he now has more opportunities to work with him and can be recommended by him for another postition.
i think it could have been that guy that was drunk and wanted to fight him.
and that Robert will keep trusting jack and will want to have him on his ship but i think jack might do something to lose his trust maybe.
....i don't no about the jenny thing....
It might have been someone that lives in the area and thinks that they are getting too close to something hidden.
I think that Roberts' trust in Jack might make him more confident about working on Roberts' boat.
I think he is doing these flashes because she might be important in the story or she's going to end up with Jack.
a) I think that Luther tampered with the boat. I think that Luther disabled the boat because he and Robert have a bad history together and Luther was also drunk at the time so he wasn’t really thinking. He also might be getting back at Jack for “hitting” his girlfriend. He is just trying to be macho.
B--I think Robert has a all new respect for Jack. He feels as if he ows him something in return for saving them. Jack will probably get more attention and be more trusted by Robert now.
a. Well the obvious one would be that man who they angered, Luther Freeman. But perhaps there is something more? Perhaps the killer... I forget his name at the beginning of the story found out where Jack was?
b. Well his trust would probably allow Jack to see Grand Manaan and become a fisherman.
c. Jenny isn't done with, she's not forlorn. If she was those snippets at the end wouldn't pop up.
And Dr. Lacey, your first book was about something you were familiar with, medical pandemics. But fishing? Seems kind of odd.
I'm guessing it was Luther who sabatazed the boat because of what Jack and Robert did to him and his girlfriend.
a) I think it was Luther because he is a bad person. He doesn't follow the way of good people.
b) I think it is good for Jack because he has somebody to be with.
c) He is telling us she has something to do with this story yet.
I think that Luther and Freeman put up that fake light that the first boat smashed into in Chapter two. I believed they put up that light so boats will smash into it and then they'll steal the remains on board and illegally sell them. That's how they get all their money, by selling items illegally.
A) I think that Luther might have tampered with Robert's boat, but that seems too obvious. I think that it might be someone that we haven't met yet.
A)I think that luther was the one that messed up thte boat. he might of did this because he was drunk at the time
B)I think that helps him alot because Robert was always alone and now he can get some help from Jack
C)I think that he is making these quick flash so you wont forget Jenny in the story because there might be something that will happen later with her
a. i think it was the captain, it was all a big test to see just how good if a fisherman jack is. the captain doesnt have very many friends so he dont care if he dies, he was asleep so he was hoping he would just die in his sleep.
b. Jack feels special because he dont have very many peoples trust because he went to jail and now robert respects him,
c. i think that jenny is going to get in big troble at the end of the novel, she will go looking for jack and get hostaged by some crazy guy.
a) Jack and Robert had a close call when their boat was tampered with. Who might have done this? Why do you think someone would want to disable their boat and endanger their lives?
i think that it was that drunk guy from before because he ha issues with ppl and stuff so ya it was for sure him or jenny because he blew her off so it could be some kind of wacko revenge thing,and she could have stalked him.
a) i think Luther is the one that sabotaged the gas line and set them adrift to get them back for hitting his "girl".
b) get him where ever he wants.
Umm, i think the drunk people did it because they were mad. Because Jack pushed "his girl" or something.
I think jack is just lucky to have somewheres to sleep and someone to talk to, and i think he realizes that too.
It's kind of confusing that way
but thats a hard question.
a) I don't know who would have done it. i don't think
luther did it because with him being drunk he probly couldn't come up with that. Also i think that luther doing it would be too obvious.
b) i think it was a good thing that Jack woke up and did all that stuff to keep them from crashing.
c) i think they keep going back to Jenny's point of veiw because something is going to happen between her and Jack.
I think Jack is glad to have a job that he is good at, and a friend to talk to.
A) i think it might have been the guy and his gal when they were drunk, he might have got on the boat and did something to the oil stuff.
B) i think Robert has started to like jack becasue helped out on the boat and got some cups for them.
C) Yes becasue he made the story like the a flu shot story and they shound like they have the same things in the story.
A.) From the looks of it, it looks like Robert and Luther know each other awhile back, and most likely not friends. That would lead to what happened to his boat. He most likely tempered with is boat and tried to kill them.
B.) From what happened to them since Jack worked for Robert, I would think that Robert would trust him after all that.
C.) I would think that he was trying to lead us into thinking that Jenny and Jack will get "hooked" up. (Going Out)
1. Well, you've all figured out that Luther and Freeman are not angels in disguise. They're a couple of bad cats, and Luther seems particularly nasty. Luther is certainly the most obvious choice for "Boat Saboteur of the Year".
2. Most of you also have the right answer when it comes to Jack and how he feels after fixing the boat, and quickly learning some seamanship skills. He feels great, respected, wanted, needed, and part of a team. These are new feelings for Jack, especially lately. The events of these chapters have changed Jack, for the better.
3. Most of you also have the right answer for why Jenny keeps appearing, even if only for a brief moment. Jenny is still part of the story and these vignettes provide an opportunity to keep her in the mind of the reader. It indicates that she is important, and also gives a chance to see what is happening through her eyes. Jenny will see some action soon enough.
Now for some answers to your questions:
Gabrielle M, I'm sure that your teacher says some words a little differently than you, and that is because people often say words differently in various parts of the country. Grand Mananers have a distinctive accent; although to you, it appears that Ms McQuaid and I are the ones with the accents.
Rachel, you asked about similarities between York and Jack. I certainly did not clone York to become Jack, but they do have some similar character traits. Most heroes of action novels are clever, brave, and strong but the fine details of the characters can be very different. You'll see some of these differences as the story progresses. How did York react when the going got the toughest, he just dug in more. Watch and see how Jack reacts when he is very stressed (coming up soon).
Kyle B, you asked about my choice of subject: pandemics understandable, but fishing? You're getting into the mind of the author now. Well, I know lots about fishing as well. When I was your age I spent most of my summers on Grand Manan, fishing, building weir, handlining, playing in boats, building bonfires on the beach, swimming in Miller's pond, etc. I have family connections to Grand Manan, and I still spend time there every year. In the "Acknowledgements" at the start of the book, I give credit to Vera and Jewett Green, and Virginia and Liscombe Greene, who spent hours being interviewed by me before I started writing the book, to get details of life on the boats and on Grand Manan back in the 1940s.
By the way it's good to have lots of interests, and in fact reading books is a great way to develop interests.
Jack has certainly found an interest that he likes; lets just hope that can make his way in this new interest, or will other events intervene?
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