a) The sinister deeds of Luther and Freeman are beginning to be revealed. Working in cohort with the lightkeeper at Southern Head, they have created a lucrative enterprise by misleading ships and then salvaging the cargo when they crash upon the rocks. They sometimes even have to take the life of the crews by their own hands. The plan seems foolproof, but what do you think will be their downfall?
b) Jack must be discouraged by the lack of trust he is feeling from some people on the Island, especially the mountie. What is it about Jack that causes people not to believe in him? What does Bessie see in Jack that others do not? Why doesn't Jack simply pack up and leave?
A) The downfall would be Luther and Freemen can nver get along so one of them might wanna leave. And they could get caught by the if sime of the crew from the other ship survive they can report it and then Luther and Freemens plan will fail.
B) Most of the people on Grand Manan dont trust him because he was once in jail. So they think sience he was in jail he is an untrust worthy guy. What Bessy see's in Jack is that he is a guy who has alot of courage and hope he will not leave. And Jack wont leave because he needs a job and he wants to go fishing
a) I think the downfall of there plan is that if they get caught for what they are doing, if the coastguard finds a body laying in the water then they might have to go to jail. They may get caught for what they are doing.
b)Jack is from away and he is a outsider that's why the people don't believe him that he didn't steal the stuff. They know everyone else around there and when someone else comes into the house they have no one else to blame but Jack, Bessie sees Jack for who he is like she should, But other people don't look at it that way they think he is bad because he doesn't live on the island originaly and can't be trusted, Jack does not just pack up and leave because he is not allowed for one, By the police and because he wants his dream to become a great fisherman. That's why he went to the island in the first place and if he's there why just leave because of some obsticles?
1) Well most likely it wil be Jack and Catcher. But I just have a feeling in my gut that it could be that they get caught some time or that they dont kill the crew. ethier. But it probably will be Jack and Catcher that catch them.... Then hopefully they can have a nice big violent fight!
2) Well the thing that makes it so hard to beleive in him is probably the fact that he has been in jail and on paroll now. And he was the first person to be suspected by every one when Besie was robbed. I belive that Bessie see's past it all and belives that Jack is a good person rather then the underhanded dirty thief that every one thinks he is. I dont think that Jack is one to quit, As I know from him I think that he thinks and know's that in the back of his mind that he can win thios ajnd win every one over, Plus he loves fishing and Grand Manan and if he left he would leave the thing he loves as well he probably couldnt come back for leaving on such bad terms with... well every one on the island.
A)I think that there down fall would be that they will get caught of doing that. Taking lives with there own hands that like a life sentence in prison.
B)That he was in jail and he could be lying since he might lie before when he was in jail. I think that she sees that he is telling the truth, and that he is a nice, sweet guy, and that’s what Jenny seen in him. Jack doesn’t want to leave because he loves Grand Manan and he doesn’t want to leave, that’s why he does what to pack up and leave, at least that’s what I think anyway.
A)I think that there down fall would be that they will get caught of doing that. Taking lives with there own hands that like a life sentence in prison.
B)That he was in jail and he could be lying since he might lie before when he was in jail. I think that she sees that he is telling the truth, and that he is a nice, sweet guy, and that’s what Jenny seen in him. Jack doesn’t want to leave because he loves Grand Manan and he doesn’t want to leave, that’s why he does what to pack up and leave, at least that’s what I think anyway.
a)I think jack is going to see them when he is in bowmen's boat.
b)it might be that they think just because hes on paroll that they think that he is bad.
I think Bessie sees that he is a good man and does not mean to hurt anybody and that he just gets caught up in these things.
Jack wont leave because he really really want's to fish and there's nowhere for him to go.
Derek.Small said….
a) The sinister deeds of Luther and Freeman are beginning to be revealed. Working in cohort with the light keeper at Southern Head, they have created a lucrative enterprise by misleading ships and then salvaging the cargo when they crash upon the rocks. They sometimes even have to take the life of the crews by their own hands. The plan seems foolproof, but what do you think will be their downfall? If they cannot mislead the ships and then take the crew into their own hands I think that they will actually take the ships for their own and just kill the crewmen.
b) Jack must be discouraged by the lack of trust he is feeling from some people on the Island, especially the Mounties. What is it about Jack that causes people not to believe in him? What does Bessie see in Jack that others do not? Why doesn't Jack simply pack up and leave? Bessie does not think that jack would have done that because I think that she sort of likes him and knows that he is not that kind of person. Jack does not pack up and leave because he wants to prove that he did not do it and he also wants to go lobster fishing and make some more money to live on.
A.) I think there down fall will be is that? I think they will get accused of stealing the cargo, maybe Jack will get accused.
b.)I think people accuse Jack of stealing because he has a criminal record and nobody else does. So the people would suspect Jack to steal something more than say if roach did or Bessie. I think Bessie trusts Jack because; she feels something about him like he is nice, like he didn’t do anything. I think she trusts him and she sees a different side of Jack that nobody else does.
a) I think Luther and Freeman’s down fall will be that they some times kill the men them self’s. Because there is no way to forcibly kill a man and it look like they drowned and throwing them in to the water with out there belongings because most people still carry there stuff on them even at sea.
b) I think people don’t believe in jack because they don’t bother looking past the fact that he is on parole. I think Bessie sees what Jack is rely like and that she looks past the fact that he is on parole. I think jack is sticking around because he still hopes that things will work out for him even though most people don’t believe in him.
A.) I think their downfall will be jack because he will figure out what they are doing and do something about it.
B.) I think the reason people accuse jack is because he is not from the island and he has been known to get framed a lot. Bessie believes that jack is not a criminal because jack has never done anything wrong while he was living with Bessie. He is not going to pack up and leave because it is his dream to fish.
Matt T. GMCS
a}i think there downfall is jack going out fishing with bowmen and they will catch them.
b}i think people dont believe in jack because he was in jail and now they think that her robbed bessie bessie thinks that jack is a good person and that he would not steel from her. jack packs up and leves because he does not wont to live with some one that dose not like him
I think that when they go out fishing something will happen.
I think people dont beleive jack because he has a criminal record.
The plan seems foolproof, but what do you think will be their downfall?
a)I think that one of these times freemen and Luther and going to get caught and it not going to be good. Right now they are getting away with their dirty deeds.
I think that one time freemen or Luther might get hurt.
What is it about Jack that causes people not to believe in him? What does Bessie see in Jack that others do not? Why doesn't Jack simply pack up and leave?
b)I think that most people don’t believe or trust jack because if what he has gone through already, he has been accused for many thing in the book so far. Bessie see’s that jack is a very nice and honest man and she also is close to him and believes that he didn’t do what he said he hasn’t. I think that the boat the Roach left for jack when he died is keeping jack on Grand Manan and not just leaving.
a) I think that when Jack and Bowmen will start fishing then find Luther and Freeman with the fake light or they will run into them and something with happen there downfall is probably that Bowmen knows his ways and he is still able to do things
b) I think that people don’t believe Jack because he has been on jail and lived with Bessie when she got robbed grand manners don’t easily change there mind and are quick to jump to conclusions
I think that Bessie knows that jack did not rob the store in the first place and did not rob her because she probably knows that Jack left the house at that time
Jack is stubborn and wants has boat he knows that his boat is what Luther has and he will knot give up
a)I think that they will be caught because Luther doesn’t wont to go out in the middle of the night and search boats and they will slack for being careful.
b) I think that he thinks can prove him self and I think that he wants to go fishing again.
A) I think that Luthar will be their down fall because of his big mouth.
B) Jack is not trusted by others because rumors spred fast so everyone thinks he robbed Bessie and went to jail etc. He doesn't pack up and go away because he probably cant afford to leave.
A) well i dont think that the bad guys will ahave a down fall, unless Jack finds some stuff to put on them, but i find the bad guys very sneeky, and good at what they are doing.
B) I think that Bessie sees a nice person who is innocent. i think that Bessie really liked having Jack stay with her. I think that Jack leaves so easily so he can just get away from all the trouble, and not cause a mess or fight with the otehr man who wants it out.
a) I think that their downfall will be Luther, because he has a big mouth, and is always telling Freeman to shut up, and will probably be "drunk" sometime, and/or blab something out infront of them to get them in trouble.
b)I think the lack of trust from the people on the island is making Jack feel real horrible. I think they don't trust him because they all know about the time he did something wrong in the past. I think Bessy see's a good, true man in Jack and thinks the total opposite of everyone else.
A) I think that Luther's big mouth will cause their downfall. When he is drunk - which is often - he causes to say alot and now Freeman is starting to worry about Luther and his big mouth.
B) Jack has a criminal record which causes people not to believe him and also people think that he is just a young man that causes alot of trouble. I think that Bessie sees a young good man who didn't do what he was convicted of and that he has learned from his mistakes what and what no to do.
a)Luther and Freeman's downfall will be Luther. Partly because of his big mouth; he might end up ruining all of their plans, just by saying something without thinking.
b)I think that people don't believe Jack as much because of the fact that he has a criminal record, and since he is new on the Island. Bessie sees that Jack is a good person, a hard and dedicated worker, and he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. Some people just try to find ways to accuse people of doing. I think that Jack won't leave because he doesn't want to give up, his heart is meant to be on Grand Manan, and he wants to be there to fish.
A) I think the down fall would be that someone is going to catch them doing something bad Bowen the guy that is with Jack is going to be the one.
b)I think that somethings that casue some people not to believe him is that maybe where he was in jail and maybe it is just his reputation.Bessie sees that Jack is a nice person and that she can trust him. Maybe becasue he is waiting for someone to go to GrandManan like someone he really likes, and he probably likes it here and someways.
a) they go out and they get caught by people seeing him coming i tink that he re-painted the boat and the name and put his name on the other boat.the other people that are nice to him they make them belive it that he did not do it and they think he did.because he has always dreamed of goign on the boat and go fishing there.
a) I think there downfall will be if some one survives the crash they will see that it is not the same light and in a different spot. Or I think some one will see Luther and Freeman working on it.
b) People don’t trust Jack because all the stupid things he has don’t and because he is not form Grand Manan. I also think people are judging him and not getting to know him first. People are also going with every one’s answer if they don’t know. I think Bessie is think differently because she knows Jack and knows what he is like. I think Jack don’t pack up and leave because he really wants to go fishing and lives Grand Manan.
a) they go out and they get caught by people seeing him coming i tink that he re-painted the boat and the name and put his name on the other boat.the other people that are nice to him they make them belive it that he did not do it and they think he did.because he has always dreamed of goign on the boat and go fishing there.
a.I think that Jack and Bowen are going to cacth them doing this to other people on Bowen's boat.
b.I think people don't beleive what Jack is saying because he is not from the Island, and he was in jail. Bessie see's that Jack is a nice person and she thinks he would never steal from her. I think he doesn't leave because he likes Grand Manan, and wants to go fishing, on his boat that Roach left him and he wants to see his land on the Island.
i think that they will get cought because jack is going to catch them.
#2 bessie thinks that jack did not steal from her and bessie likes jack. becasue jack likes bessie and she likes him.
A)luther will be the down fall because he has the bigest mouth out them all.
B)Whe he was in jail before. That she wants to trust him but she can't, Because he cant take all the people blaming him for doing stuff.
1. a) I think their downfall with Luther's bad talk and people might get suspicous.
b) People don't believe him because he was sent to jail and is on parole. Bessie sees that Jack is not like any other criminals and she believes him. Jack doesn't want to leave because he wants to get his boat and land and he wants to be a fisherman.
a) I think that they will probably get caught when they are killing the crew from a ship because they get drunk a lot so they will probably lose sight.
b) I think that they don't believe him because he is from the mainland. I think that Bessie knows that he wouldn't do something like that because he lived there for a while. I think his desire to go lobster fishing has kept him from packing up and moving away.
The book is going along great not as amusing as Flu Shot. But it will probably get better.
I think that they're going to get caught by somebody, probably Jack because he's the main character in the story.
They don't really believe in him because of him not being from the island. Also because of the fact that he has a criminal record.
B) jack just wont leave he loves fishing and will not go plus how could he get back? find Robert maybe but still he has land there and everything
i enjoy this story it is getting much more suspenseful so i cant wait to read it agen.
a) I think that they will be discovered for their terrible plan of making money off of murder, and will be arrested or something.
b) Jack seems to be in the worst situations and is blamed for things he didn't do because of it. Jack has a criminal record ehich could also arouse suspision. Jack lied about his location too when asked where he really was.
Well once again Jack is framed, seems like a weekly occurrence for him. Anyhow...
a) It appears their downfall would be odd weather and the night is too short, a coastguard would come by and arrest them. Or maybe one of them brags about their lucrative plot. Or perhaps Jack is working for someone on a boat, he sees them and... He can't really run. And perhaps a crew member would be sleeping, he comes after everyone has been dispatched sees them... Etc...
b) Well, Bessy believes he didn't do it. But apparently that really doesn't matter here. And it's his dream to live on Grand Manaan, if he left he just may end up like he did on St. John.
A) I don't think that Freeman and Luthers plan won't last much longer because that someone will find out what there doing.
B) Most of the people on Grand Manan don't trust Jack because he was once in jail adn claims that he didn't do it. Bessie likes Jack because she knows that Jack wouldn't steal anything from her. Jack won't leave because he likes the jobs here and he likes to fish. He also won't leave because he wants the boat that is his and i think he really likes Grand Manan
b) Jack must be discouraged by the lack of trust he is feeling from some people on the Island, especially the mountie. What is it about Jack that causes people not to believe in him? What does Bessie see in Jack that others do not? Why doesn't Jack simply pack up and leave?
I think the reason why he is not leaving is because he really wants to fish and he wants his boat and his money and the land that Roach's brother left to him because Roach's brother did't trust Roach.
b) Jack must be discouraged by the lack of trust he is feeling from some people on the Island, especially the mountie. What is it about Jack that causes people not to believe in him? What does Bessie see in Jack that others do not? Why doesn't Jack simply pack up and leave?
- I think that the reason why Jack isnt leaving is because, he wants his money he wants his land and his boat.. and i dont think he will leave until he gets just that.
I think that Luther's big mouth will cause their the downfall. When he is drunk - which is pretty often - it causes him to say alot and now Freeman is starting to worry about Luther and him saying something.
I think that when they go out fishing something will happen.
I think people dont beleive jack because he has a criminal record.
People hate him becuase he was a criminal and they don't give him a chance. What Bessie sees in Jack is a person who's nice and has alot of courage which shows that he will not leave the island becasue he wants to fish.
Paige Brown
a) Getting cought is a pretty good downfall.
b) I think it's just cause it's a small town so as soon as a few people found out about his criminal record it spreded out around town so now people don't trust hin..
A) I think the downfall of the plan is that they might get caught for doing that.
B) Jack is not trusted because he has been in prison and that makes people think he is a "bad person."
Bessie sees Jack as person who wont give up without a fight.
I think that the reason Jack wont leave Grand Manan is because he really wants to fish.
(A) The downfall would be Luther and Freemen can never get along so one of them might want to leave in the story and it might shoud good in the story.
(B) Most of the people on Grand Manan dont trust him because he was once in jail. So the people on on the island might think that Jack did it becasue he was in jail, buy I think Bessie knows who might have took her stuff, but she does she miight not want to tell anybody becasue it might have bin someone she knows thats why she might have not tolled the police that it was that person becasue she might had bin frinds or family.
a) I think the plan will eventually fall apart because Luther and Freeman are stupid and don't think anyone will catch them.
b) People don't like Jack because
of the way he looks.
A)I think that they will get caught witht hem stealing the cargo and will also go to jail.
B) I think that some people dont trust him because he was in jail.
I think that sees that Jack is a good guy because if you know Jack then you will find ouit how friendly he really is. I dont think Jack will pack up and leave because i think that he likes the island and he likes to go fishing on the island.
A) The downside would be getting caught. If they get caught in the act they won't be let off easily.
B) I think people have lacking trust for Jack because he is a bit of a loner. When someone is a loner people tend to think of them as a bad person. Alot of them know that Jack was in prison before so they think he is a criminal. I think Bessie sees the good in Jack that really he's just like everyone else enen though he isn't origially from Gand Manan. Jack doesn't want to leave because he wants to be a fisherman and this is the perfect place to do so.
a) I think that Luther and Freeman's downfall might be the lighthouse keeper. There are two lighthouse keepers, probably only one that knows Luther and Freeman's plans. Also, Luther and Freeman don't get along very well.
b) Most people on Grand Manan probably don't trust Jack because he is from another place. Most people probably don't know that he has been in jail,though. Jack is an outsider. He is still learning about boats and fishing. Also, he doesn't have a job or a place to live currently.
A.) Since Jack is the main character in the book, I'd think that Jack would somehow find out about it and be involed, maybe when he gets his boat back he'll see them on the waters. So that is a possibility of their downfall.
B.) Jack is new in town and he has a criminal record so the people of Grand Manan would think the he did it. But, Bessie wouldn't think so because she knows he didn't do it and she was the one who was the house with Jack when he went out for a bike ride. But this could mean he took it but then again, he empty out his pockets and his backpack so he couldn't of done it. Jack must of told Bessie what happen to him with that incident. Jack didn't leave because he really wants to go fishing on his boat so he would sacrifice anything to do what he really wants to do, even if the town doesn't trust him. And the fact that he has no way of leaving. maybe he wanted to leave but knows that there is no way of leaving the Island except his boat which he is unable to get on.
A). I think that the author has done this because the book is starting to get to the most exciting parts now and he wants to have the point of view from all the characters.
B). I think that the people are starting to change their point of view towards Jack because when a well respected member of the community likes someone that was “bad” then people would think differently about that person.
C.) The things that tie Catcher, Jack, and freeman together are that they all fish, one is old, one is a criminal, and one is not an islander.
Matt T. GMCS
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