Jack is released from prison and immediately returns to the familiar turf of the Miramichi, but it turns out to be not so familiar or welcoming. He heads south to Saint John, looking to join the war effort (in 1940 the world is in the midst of WW II).
Meantime, Nurse Jenny reappears. There seems to be some chemistry between her and Jack, but he chooses the mysterious lure of Grand Manan Island over her. What will he find on Grand Manan?

a) Jack tries to join the army, but is refused because he has a criminal record. Why would Jack want to join up when his best friend was already killed overseas and he might meet the same fate? Was it out of patriotism? Guilt?
b) Nurse Jenny reappears in the story. She genuinely seems to like Jack, even enough to offer to try and help him find a place to stay, but just when there seemed to be a storyline growing between them, Jack heads off to Grand Manan. What qualities does Jack possess that draws her to him, or is she just feeling grateful that he saved her life?
c) Luther and Freeman, the "fishermen" from Grand Manan, meet up with a submarine and sell them some lobster. Is there more to this story? Freeman and Luther are obviously familiar with the people on the sub, but who are they? Why are they in the Bay of Fundy? Why such an interest in lobster?
Meantime, Nurse Jenny reappears. There seems to be some chemistry between her and Jack, but he chooses the mysterious lure of Grand Manan Island over her. What will he find on Grand Manan?

a) Jack tries to join the army, but is refused because he has a criminal record. Why would Jack want to join up when his best friend was already killed overseas and he might meet the same fate? Was it out of patriotism? Guilt?
b) Nurse Jenny reappears in the story. She genuinely seems to like Jack, even enough to offer to try and help him find a place to stay, but just when there seemed to be a storyline growing between them, Jack heads off to Grand Manan. What qualities does Jack possess that draws her to him, or is she just feeling grateful that he saved her life?
c) Luther and Freeman, the "fishermen" from Grand Manan, meet up with a submarine and sell them some lobster. Is there more to this story? Freeman and Luther are obviously familiar with the people on the sub, but who are they? Why are they in the Bay of Fundy? Why such an interest in lobster?
a) i dont know i think that jack just wanted to go to either meet the same fate as Dick, but i also think that he wanted to join for a place to stay or a place to go
b) I dont know if Jennie feels anything about jack but she might but she might just like him because she was greatfull that Jack saved her life
c)I think that they had some sort of aquaintance with the people in the submarine because when it said "always ten never a dozen" i thought "oh they must have sold it to them quite often"
I think that Jack wants to join the army because he wants to avenge his friend and maybe he thinks it's the only place he can go now. I think that she's grateful but she also see's that he's caring and that made her think if maybe she liked him. I think that the people in the submarine are drug dealers and Luther and Freeman are helping them by giving them the drugs with the lobster.
A)I think that jack wanted to join the army because that is all he had left in his life and jsut because his friend Dick died doesnt mean jake will. No i dont think it was at all out of patriotism because he was in jail so really i dont tihnk he cares about his country.
B)I think that after he saved her life that she started to live him more even thought there is age differents in it but i dont think they care. The things that she see in him maybe is well charming, sweet, truthful, brave or not very smart.
C) Well in my mind is that they are in the army and they are there for some ression, why they in the bay of funday in a sub that is kind of crazy right there maybe they are going around testing, hiding form people its hard to say. Now the lobster part there is nothin wrong with lobsters at all i dont like them but still some pople love them and for them to jsut go by them thougth and talk and sell there is somthing up with that because if i didnt know people like that you would think that you wouldnt sell them stuff jsut like they do in the book.
a)I think that Jack wanted to join the army because he felt guilty that his friend had lost his life, while he had spent his time in jail. He may have wanted to do good for his country even though he had been in jail in the past.
b)I think Nurse Jenny likes Jack because of his determinated attitude to be independant in his actions. She may like him for his abilities or his looks as well, thats not always a selfish thing to look for when you are trying to find interests in the other gender.
c)In class we discussed that fact that this submarine that appeared to Luther and Freeman was probably from the war, which was involved with the Navy. The people on the sub may be trying to find something, or someone, but we aren't sure of what that may be. That may be the reason why tehy are in the Bay of Fundy, because they are looking for an inpaticular thing or person from this place. Their interest in lobster may be just a simple cover up or excuse to come to the Bay of Fundy.
a)Jack would probably want to join, seeing that his best friend thought it was a good idea, even though it is dangerous.
b)She might think that Jack is brave for standing up to a guard and saving 3 people, including her.
c)The sub captian asks him to wrap them, and they talk about the hauls. They are probably people in the marine or something like that on their way to war. They are probably from New Brunswick and are heading to Germany and France, places like that. Lobster can be quite a delicasy to them.
a) He wanted to join the army because he had no where’s else to go. He had no home, no friends to go to, go to stay, no food, hardly any money, and he had nothing to loose. That’s why he wanted to join the army. And no it wasn’t guilt or patriotism, it was because he had nothing to go to, nothing to eat, he had absolutely nothing.
b) On my own opinion, I think that she does like him, and that she was really grateful for Jack saving her one and only life. I think jack likes her to, but he had no job, and no where’s to stay, so that is why he took his chance and now he has a job for a week and a place to stay, but I don’t think that he will be able to do every thing a fisherman can do because he gets really bad sickness from the rocking back and forth, back and forth.
c) I think that Luther and Freeman know the people on the sub. I think the people on the sub came for someone or something, other then lobster. I would say that the people on the sub know Luther and Freeman, some how. It’s just the same as what I said before only turned around. I think they have interest in lobster because people like to eat lobster, and try new things. If you were someone who never been to Grand Manan before, and you are willing to try something new, then I am sure that you would like to try lobster for the first time.
a)I think Jack tried to join he Army because maybe he wants to walk on the shoes of his best friend. Like walk in the shoes of honour and bravery. And I think jack joined because it was between guilt and patriotism because it seems that he really reagret going to jail and keep things like this form happening so I really think it is between gulit and patriotism.
b)Jenny probably started to like him becuase first he saved her life. And she was really thankfull after she was saved. She also knew that he wasn't bad and didnt commit the crime and thinks he also is a Hardworking guy and wont give up. He dont complain, he also is brave and intelligent.
c)They have an intrest for lobster because you can make lots of money by lobster fishing. They could make more money by giving th fishermen lobster to sell?
1) I kind of think it was patriotism because I kind of think he just wanted to do it.
2) Well it may be that she is thankful that he saved her life or even the other thing but we don't know that for sure.
3) I think that there is more t this story yes. I think they have such an interest in them because they like them alot and they may have lived in Grand Manan
A) I think that Jack tried to join up and go into the army because he might have just wanted to join up for a place to go and a place to stay. I don't think that Jack would have joined up out of patriotism.
B) I think that Jenny is very grateful for Jack and also I think that they like each other. I think that she likes Jack because he saved her life and also because he is a really nice guy.
C) I think that the people in the sub are a part of the war. They came over in the sub to defend and they might have come from Germany or some place else. They could have came over just to get lobster but you wouldn't need to come in a sub. They must know each other because when he said "always ten never a dozen" then I though that they must have sold to them before.
1) Well I think that Jack maybe wanted to do it from patriosim but at the same time he probably did feel just a little guilty that his friend died over sea's while he was still in jail. And as I can see it he wanted to go out fighting like his best friend Dick did as well.
2) Thinking about this in an overall prespective it would seem a little bit of both. Yes Jack saved her life but at the same time I just dont really get the feeling that that is all the reason. There is just a strong feeling that she likes Jack, porbably for some qualites. One may be he is loyal as we have seen (up untill this chapter when he left her to go to our hometown, Grand Manan) or maybe it was somthing a little more different. maybe she just thinks he is cute or somthing. As well she might like him because he comes off as a kind person. Or maybe it is all of the above I dont really know but I do think that it is all of the above.
3)Well being so earlie into the story you cant really tell. I mean really for all we known is that they could just be the average day run of the mill fishermen. But like I just added so earlie into the story you can't really tell or be to to sure on wha to think about. all I really can think is that they did have somthing else to do with it and my guess is that we will see much much more of the two.
a) I think that Jack wanted to join the Army because he just wanted a job, something to do, because he didnt want to get into trouble.; But then he couldn't because he had a criminal recored.
b) I think that Jenny, was really greatful, for Jack saving her site, but i also think that she has "something" for him.
c) I think that the people in the submarine, where people from the war/army. and i think that they wanted the lobster so that they could get stuff out of these people.
a)well he wanted to join because he was looking for a job, i think it might have been out of guilt.
b)good looks, good personality, and he is sensitive. aybe she is grateful maybe she is just happy to seem him out of jail.
c) I think they have met before,we don't know who they are; they are probobly looking for wreaks under the water. bye
Derek.Small said…
a) Jack tries to join the army, but is refused because he has a criminal record. Why would Jack want to join up when his best friend was already killed overseas and he might meet the same fate? Was it out of patriotism? Guilt?
I think that jack wanted to join the army because he would like to save people and he probably would like to do it because his friend had done it and he wants to see what it is like.
b) Nurse Jenny reappears in the story. She genuinely seems to like Jack, even enough to offer to try and help him find a place to stay, but just when there seemed to be a storyline growing between them, Jack heads off to Grand Manan. What qualities does Jack possess that draws her to him, or is she just feeling grateful that he saved her life?
I think that she was just grateful that he had saved her life because I don’t know anyone who would like a person with criminal records even though he didn’t do it.
c) Luther and Freeman, the "fishermen" from Grand Manan, meet up with a submarine and sell them some lobster. Is
there more to this story? Freeman and Luther are obviously familiar with the people on the sub, but who are they? Why are they in the Bay of Fundy? Why such an interest in lobster?
I don’t think that there is any more to the story. I just think that they are in the Bay of Fundy for a ride in their submarine or something and I think that they love lobster just for it’s great taste and they love it a lot and just want to eat it. I don’t know who they are but I do not think that they are bad people. I think that they just want to eat lobster like I already said.
a) I don’t think that he joined because his friend did I think that he tried to join the army because he need money, food and a place to sleep.
b) She might be felling grateful and trying to repay Jack by helping him to find a pace to stay.
c) I really don’t know who they are but it sounds like they sell to them a lot.
a) I think jack wanted to join up with the army because he was probably feeling bad that his best friend died over in France wanted to fix it and this was most likely the only way he could think of. That is why I think he joined.
b) I don’t know what quality’s might be drawing nurse jenny to jack but at the same time I think that there is more than just gratefulness. I think this because if it was just great fullness she would not have wanted until seven o’clock.
c) I would have to guess that the people in the sub have something agents Canadians because it mentioned that they weren’t at war with the Americans. I think there is more to this history because they would not be so familiar with there routine such as waiting for so long and the people in the submarine only bying ten lobsters at a time.
a)I think taht he did it because he felt quilty bceause of what happened tpo his friend and he couldn't do anything thing else so he did it for him.
b)I think that they like each other and that she is helping him becaus that he saved her and another becasuse she likes him. I think that they would be really good together.
c)I think that these people are from Granda manan and they are in the army and they want some lobsters to take with them.
1. I think that Jack wanted to meet dick but i think he wanted to join the army.
2. I think that Jennie likes him alittle because jack saved her life.
3. i think that the submarine is the people was from the army.
a)I don’t think Jack really remembered about his friend. He might have wanted to take his chances too. Also Jack had no other place to work then so maybe he wanted to try it and see if it would work for him.
b)I think Jack is quite grateful that Jenny saved his life, but also I think that Jack really wanted to go to Grand Manan.
c)I think later in the story they will find out who the people that sold the Lobster to them. I think they are people have already been mention in the story but we don’t know who they are yet. I think that they are so interested in the Lobster because maybe there is not much Lobster for sale or there is not much Lobster in the Bay of Fundy.
A) I think that Jack wanted to maybe meet the same fate as his friend. He might want to do it out of guilt.
B) I dont know, Jenny might like him a little. She might also want to be nice because he saved her life.
C) They might be very interested in lobster because they didn't have anything good to eat for a while because they are a part of world war 2.
a) I think Jack wanted to join the army because of guilt and because he need a place to stay.
b) I think Jenny is just feeling grateful that Jack saved her life so that's why she offered to help him find a place to stay.
c)I think there is more to the story about Freeman and Luther.
I think they are the United States Navy.
I think they are in the Bay of Fundy so they can see what's going on.
I think they are interested in lobster because they might eat lobster in the USA.
so he has something to do
Jack tried to join the army because he had no other pace to go nothing to do, no job that was good for him. Jack thought war was his place. But he got refused because of his criminal record.
I think Jenny likes jack because he is nice to her and he kissed her. He came back to see her again after he was in jail. So I think she thought he liked him then she started to like him, and jack did save jenny’s life.
Maybe they are making a deal with the lobster. They are selling them for money and the people that bought it might be selling It again for the same price. ( I was really lost on this question.)
a) I think he was doing this out of respect for his friend and because of patriotism.
b) I think that she is greatful that he saved his life. But I also think that she thinks that he is a very nice guy and that they might have a future.
c) I think that these are U.S. soldiers that they know. They are in the bay of fundy because they are setting out for war. They have such an interest in lobster because they taste good.
A) He might want to join it for memory for his friend and do it for his friend.Patriotism is love for your countrty out of patriotism would probably wouldent be love for your country.
B)He might might be greatful that he saved her life and maybe he think that she likes her alot like in the boy friend girl friend, way and he dont like her that way and dont no how to tell her,some qualities that draw her to him is probably that he can be a nice man.
C)They are probably in the bay of funday to go in the submarine, and they are proabably from world war 2 some people that are in the world war to are i dont know i think iraq
a) I think that he wanted to join the army out of patriotism and/or because his friend was in it. I think he was being really brave to want to join the army out of patriotism.
b) I think she likes Jack. As a person; But I also think she is just happy that he saved her life.
c) I think they just wanted to buy the lobsters to get information from people around there.
A) jack might of wanted to join the army because his best freind was in it and he wanted to try it to.
#1 he tryed to goin the army because he has no were else to go and he needs money.
#2 i think that jack should of stayed with jennie beacuse he would of had a good life there. I think that jennie is nicto jack and greatful because jack saved her life.
#3 they need lobbys for eating and for surviel and there army needs food.
a) I think that he wanted somewhere to go instead of staying there.
b) I don’t think that Jenny likes jack, I just think she offered to help him because Jack saved her.
c) I think that they\ people in the submarine knew them and they just met up and they sold lobsters to them.
A) he wanted to join the army because he did not have anywhere to stay.
b) i think that she is grateful that he had saved her.
c)no i dont think there is more to this story
Jack tries to join the army because he is into that stuff. Also because he likes to fight for war or in many different kinds of battles.
Nurse Jenny occuries in the story again because. I think that jack likes her and wants to be close to her.
c)i think that they are just people who own a submarine who really like lobster. nothing abnormal about that
i think that jack wanted to go over seas beacause well maybe he has always had a dream of it or maybe he wantsto finish what his friend started. and jenny i think she is drawin to jack because he is diffrent and he is brave alsohe did save her life and she knows hes agood guy she believes he didnt do it.
A) jack wants to join the army because he needs a job and some epic lolz
/B/ jenny likes jack because jack saved her life and she feels exteme pitty.
C)those guys on the submarine were obviously outlaws who need to buy fish becuae if they go to the store they get arrested!
a. I think he joined the army because he had nuthing else to do.
b. She probobly likes him because he was in jail and shes in to bad guys.
c. They are most likely in the bay because they are spying on us, and they eat lobster because they like lobster
I think jack tried to enter the army because he thinks he doesn’t have anything left in life and so he wants to protect his country. I also think that he tried to join because he and his old friend were alike in many ways so he thought if his friend joined he should even though his friend was killed.
A) jack wanted to join because he has nothing better to do.
B)jenny is probably just grateful that jack saved her life.
Well, Jack had 25 dollars in his pocket, a paltry sum. The navy would offer him a job, shelter and something to do.
b) Well theres the life saving part, that could be a deciding factor.
c) The people on the Submarine seemed to be Americans, they paid in American dollars. And lobster is tasty. But why were they there? My gues is they may have been heading to a Battlefield but made a detour for lobster. And it was mentioned "Navy pays well for lobster" Or something similar.
b)i think maybe she is attracted to him because of his niceness toward her and maybe he is good-looking , and they have met before so maybe there is still something going on between them.
A) I think Jack wanted to join the army because he wanted a place to stay and a place to go.
B) I think that Jenny just is greatful that he saved her life.
C) I think the people on the submarine must have sold them lobster a few times before because they said "always 10 never a dousen"
a)I think he thinks he has nothing left. He may feel obligated to go to war
A) well.. i think that he didnt really want to join the army but his friend died do he felt he had to do it for his friend and family.
A)Jack tried to join the army because he could see no other job possibility. He might have done it out of reverence for his friend but I doubt that he felt guilty. The book doesn't go into detail to explain his reasoning but we do now that he needed a job and a position in the army was available.
b) Nurse Jenny probably is interested in Jack because he is honest and saved life. She also believes that he didn't commit the crime he was accused for.
I think that Jack and the mate might be the same person. I also think that the true robber of the jewerly store will be revealed as someone Jack knows.
A) I think that Jack needed some place to stay. Also I think that jack might want to go because of the death of his friends
B)I think that jenny is starting to like Jack more because JAck had saved her earlier in the story
A) I think that Jack joined the army because he needed money, food and shelter. The army would supply all of those needs. Also, Jack could of felt the need to take his friend's place as part of the army.
B) I think that Jenny likes Jack because he saved her life.
C) I think the submarine will play a major role later on in the story, but I don't know how. I think the man paying with American dollars is foreshadowing.
a) I think Jack would want to join the army because he has nothing better to do. He has no were to sleep, nothing to eat or drink, and almost no friends. What's patriotism?
The reason I think Jack wanted to join the army is because he wanted a job and that was the only thing he could think of. Even if his friend died, Jack would have a rare chance of dieing if he could be careful.
a.) There are many possible reasons for Jack to join the army. I think of of them are that he wanted money for a place of his own. Another is because his friend was in so he wanted to join.
b.) Maybe she just does likes him for who he is or maybe she she likes for for saving her life.
c.) I have no idea.
1. I think that jack wanted to join the army because he had no where to live and he that he i think he jack thinks it is his fault his friend died.
2.I think that she is happy that jack saved her life, I think that they have feelings for each other.
3.nope i don't think that there is more than that story
1. I think that jack wanted to join the army because he had no where to live and he that he i think he jack thinks it is his fault his friend died.
2.I think that she is happy that jack saved her life, I think that they have feelings for each other.
3.nope i don't think that there is more than that story
Jessie L- GM
1. I think that jack wanted to join the army because he had no where to live and he that he i think he jack thinks it is his fault his friend died.
2.I think that she is happy that jack saved her life, I think that they have feelings for each other.
3.nope i don't think that there is more than that story
Jack is released from prison and immediately returns to the familiar turf of the Miramichi, but it turns out to be not so familiar or welcoming. He heads south to Saint John, looking to join the war effort (in 1940 the world is in the midst of WW II).
Meantime, Nurse Jenny reappears. There seems to be some chemistry between her and Jack, but he chooses the mysterious lure of Grand Manan Island over her. What will he find on Grand Manan?
a) Jack tries to join the army, but is refused because he has a criminal record. Why would Jack want to join up when his best friend was already killed overseas and he might meet the same fate? Was it out of patriotism? Guilt?
I think that he thinks there noting more to life and he probably hopes that the same thing will happen.
b) Nurse Jenny reappears in the story. She genuinely seems to like Jack, even enough to offer to try and help him find a place to stay, but just when there seemed to be a storyline growing between them, Jack heads off to Grand Manan. What qualities does Jack possess that draws her to him, or is she just feeling grateful that he saved her life?
I think that Jack and her had feelings for each other. And she probably is greatful that he saved her i would be to if some one saved my life.
c) Luther and Freeman, the "fishermen" from Grand Manan, meet up with a submarine and sell them some lobster. Is there more to this story? Freeman and Luther are obviously familiar with the people on the sub, but who are they? Why are they in the Bay of Fundy? Why such an interest in lobster?
I think that they might be people in the war looking for food.
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