Jack continues his travels on the boat, and finally is able to have a couple of days to visit Grand Manan and meet some of the local people. He is particularily taken with a local girl, Elizabeth.

He then returns to Saint John, where he finds himself without a job or a clean place to stay. He spirals down until he finds himself standing on the Reversing Falls Bridge, ready to jump. Only the idea that Robert might find his body floating in the harbour seems to hold him back.
a) Elizabeth is a local Grand Manan girl whom Jack seems to find interesting. Compare your first impressions of her with Nurse Jenny.
b) Jack seems to be on the right track until he returns to Saint John. Without a job or any real prospects, he spirals towards rock-bottom. What is it that causes Jack's feelings about himself to change so quickly?
1)Well I would say that there is a big difference between them. Jenny was a nice girl whom seems to like him. But Elzibeth seems more… of an arrogant stuck up girl. Like the popular girls you would see in movies from school. From what we know so far there is a huge difference in them.
2) Probably and most likely its that he had all of his things stolen. The police still mock him in a way so to speak. The army wont take him. He cannot get a job and is running out of money. He cant find jenny and He feels as if its not long before he dies.
A) I reall think theres a big difference between Jenny and Elizabeth beacuase Jenny is a eally nice person who seems to care for Jack but Elizabeth just wants love but is just to nasty.
B)Tha he could have no job and also he didnt meet up with Jenny at the time he said...so he might think she wouldnt want to be friends with him again.
a) I think that Elizabeth, and jennie dont have alot in common except for being attractive by jack really. Mostly because Elizabeth is a stuck up snob, and Jennie cares for other people
b) I think that what caused Jack to turn suicidal was the fact that nobody knew who he was and he had no money and he was living in a very, very, very dirty place
a)Jenny was a nice nurse that cared about Jack and helped him out alot. Elizabeth is a snob who got mad because Jack made one little mistake by spilling the apple cider on her dress.
b)He isn't fishing and making any money. Jack is not in contact with any of the other people that he was before. So this is making Jack feel isolated and like no one needs him.
a)I think that Elizabeth is a suck up snot. She doesn’t realize how snotty she is being to Jake. But, Jenny, she is something really nice. She likes Jake and Jake likes her. They are a perfect match. Btu when Jake stood her up, she kind of changed her mind about Jake and how he acted, and when/if they ever get together then she knows she can’t depend on Jake.
b)Well, he has no food or a job, or….Jenny. He didn’t even say his excuse of why he wasn’t there when they had a date. He has no job so he can’t make any money. And he has no food, because he has no money, because he has no job. And he doesn’t have Jenny (love) because he stood her up before and now she ahs moved on somewhere else, where she doesn’t know where she si at and he really wants to know.
a) Elizabeth is a local Grand Manan girl whom Jack seems to find interesting. Compare your first impressions of her with Nurse Jenny.
When I first heard of jenny I thought that she was a very nice, friendly and kinda shy. When I heard of Elizabeth I thought that she would be a very outgoing girl who isn’t shy around new people.
b) Jack seems to be on the right track until he returns to Saint John. Without a job or any real prospects, he spirals towards rock-bottom. What is it that causes Jack's feelings about himself to change so quickly?
I think that some of the reason that he feels like this is because he left with Robert to Grand Manan when he was meeting jenny. I also think that it is because he can’t get a job and he has no money. Jack also believes that he is going to die of either hunger or loneness.
a) My first impression of Elizabeth was that she was going to be sort of a mean kind of girl but then maybe she would be all like “I’m sorry for how I acted” and stuff. But compared to Jenny she is a stupid, stuck up snob. Because Nurse Jenny was really nice to him. But I think when he finds her, she will be really angry at him for a little while because he said that he would meet her after she was done work. And he just like left.
b I think that the thing that caused him to change so quickly was that he didn’t know where Jenny was and he didn’t have a job, and he felt worthless in this place where he was. So then he felt that no one would really care if he found a place to stay. Or if he got a job or not, or even if he lived or died. He probably felt that no one would care. So he figured hey the best way for me to die right mow is just to jump off the bridge. Then no one would see me die.
A) I thought that Jenny sounded very attractive and pretty. Then I heard of Elizabeth she sounded like a real atractive person but then I heard that she was a snotty rich girl.
B) I think its because he wants to see jenny and he has lost his self empowerment. He also misses Robert and being on the white lady.
A) I think that jenny and Elisabeth are a lot the same but still quite a bit different
1 they both seemed like snots to begin with
2 but then jenny thanked jack for saving her
3 Elisabeth just called him names and was mean
B) I think he feels bad about himself because he has no job no money and his friend who is a girl is gone he seemed like he really liked her and she started to seem like she liked him then he stood her up for a job and no he has nothing
A. Jenny and Elizabeth, the first impressions of Elizabeth were that jack thought she was pretty nice looking, beautiful. Then when jack spilled his drink on her she was pretty snotty stuck up and rude about it. She made jack feel bad about himself, like he didn’t belong there.
Jenny was a nice girl when Jack met her. She wasn’t mean to jack or rude like Elizabeth was. I find Jenny personally is happy and nice to other people not rude. But Elizabeth’s is stuck, snot nose that thinks she better than everybody else, like she on the top and your on the bottom. That’s my impressions of Jenny and Elizabeth
B. When you have no body or no job no good place to stay you start to feel down on your self and depressed cause you have nothing, its like hitting rock bottom. You feel lonely and when jack couldn’t get into the army because of his criminal record. I think it made him feel sad and like he has nothing else besides that. That’s why jack is feeling sad I think.
a)Jack thinks there beautiful, pretty, and wonderful. Jack I think really wants to get noticed by Elizabeth and Jenny has already noticed him. I think jack likes each of them.
b)When Jack almost jumped off the bridge I think he did that because he didn’t have much food, water, clothes and he didn’t have a job. I think that if Jack had a job he wouldn’t of try to commute suicide.
A) At first i thought that Jenny was a nice person. When I found out that Jack thought Elizabeth was pretty, I thought that she would be nice too. I was wrong, Elizabeth was a nasty person, short tempered.
B)I think that Jack's feelings about himself changes quickly because whenever things get really bad, he thinks of Jenny, and decides to try harder.
a) Your first impressions of jenny were a nice person and some one who could be trusted and would be willing t help just about any one how needs it. And your first impressions of Elisabeth are pretty and popular but stuck up and thinks that she is better than every one ells.
b) I think what caused jacks feeling to change so quickly is that he can’t find work at sea or in saint john. And that he cant find Elisabeth or any one who seems to care.
a) Nurse Jenny and Elizabeth are both atractive, beautiful, and good looking in the eyes of Jack, which is a similarity of the two women. On the other hand, Jenny seems to be more calm spirited and more loving, kind and tender hearted. This leaves Elizabeth, who seems to be more snobby than kind, and it seems as if she tends to worry about her own priorities than the fact of being kind to others, especially at Christmas.
b) The fact that Robert had a great impact on Jacks additude made a difference in how he thinks about himself once RObert leaves his life. Robert built Jack up in his confidence in himself. Without someone life RObert to build his confidence, I think Jack finds it hard to stay focused on the good things about him.
I think the only simaller things between Elizabeth and Jenny are that they are girls and they are pretty. Elizabeth is snaughty and Jenny is nice and caring.
He can't find work because people think that he should be in the army. He is broke and he needs to find Jenny. He wants to commit suicide, but he wants to wait until Robert leaves.
#1 i thin that jennie is prettyer then elizabith and i think that jack should end up with jennie.
#2 because he finds jennie and he changes mind and doesnt jump off the worf i think that jennie nd jack are ment for each other.
a) i think she is one of those people who think there all that but know they can change but dont want i think she will change. i think the nurse is nice and is the nicest nurse ever.
b)i think that it is elizibith and the nurse im not sure if that is true but that is what i think.
a) Elizabeth is more snoobier and mean than Nurse Jenny. Jenny helps people while Elizabeth bes mean to people.
Both Elizabeth and Jenny know Jack.
b) It cause himself to chage so quickly because he spilled something on Elizabeth and she got mad at him, he has no job and he can't find Nurse Jenny.
A) Elizabeth is snoty etc. Jenny is nice and cares about Jack. They both look good.
B) I think that Jack's thoughts changed so quickly because he was use to haveing some place to stay in jail etc and liked haveing a job with Robert then he loses it all.
a) I think that they are different in a lot of ways. Jenny seems like she is way nicer and sweet to Jack than Elizabeth has been to him. My first impression with Jenny was, “wow, they are going to get together in this book, she is really nice to him.” But, Elizabeth on the other hand, was… “She is a snot.”
Since we met Jenny I wanted him to be with her.
A)Elizabth is a snot and jenny is not.
B)Because he fells bad about standing jenny up that day.
A) -The similarities between Elizabeth and Nurse Jenny are: they are both girls, Jack finds them both interesting, and that is all that i can think of right now.
-The differences between Elizabeth and Nurse Jenny are: Nurse Jenny is kind and nice but Elizabeth is snobby and mean.
B) Jack is really depressed because he can't find a job or a good place to stay.
A) Elizabeth is mean and dosn't want anything to do with jack.
Jenny is nice to him and wants to see him.
B) After he looses his job and cant find a place to live.
a)Jenny is nice and Elizabeth is a snot.
b) he might be depressed.
I think that Jenny is a loving, caring person, unlike Elizabeth, she is kind as well. I dont think I really like Elizabeth, shes a snobby brat. and Jenny jsut seems like the right person. I liked her from the start.
Knowing that Jack cant get a job, causing him to stress right out. and he was thinking horrible thoughts. Not finding a job caused him to fall to "rock bottom."
why do you think that elizabith was so mad when he got that stuff on her would you be mad if someone spilt stuff on your tuxsedo i would be mad but i would not freak out and i would not be so rude!!!!!!!!
A) jenny is nice and elizabeth is snoty
B) i don't know what is wrong with him?
1. nurse jenny is nicer than elizabeth. elizabeth is snotty and only cares about herself.
2. i think that his elling change so quickly because he can't find jenny and he has no where to go not that he is not with robert.
a) Nurse Jenny is alot nicer than Elizabeth because Elizabeth is really snoty and mean and doesn't know how to control her temper.
b) I think that it trails off so quickly because he misses JEnny and can;t find her and he doesn't have a hamoe and he has lice from living on a horable place. I think that Jack is depressed and wants to many things.
a) Similarities- Both girls, Jack finds them interesting.
Differences- Jack stood Jenny up and he spilled apple cider on Elizabeth, they live in different places.
b) I think that his mood changes so much because he doesn't have any where to go and no one would give him a job.
A) jack like Elizabeth for her looks and he likes jenny because he likes her personality.
/B/ jack hits rock bottom because he has no food no money and know way out. (or so he thinks)
the story is confusing, the way it keeps on going back and forth from jenny to Jack to the old fishermen guy.
a) 1 of them (jenny) sounds nice and not self centred. but elezabeth sounds snobby
b) I think someone will take jack in for a good job.
i think jenny is nice and sweet to people way more then Elizabeth she is rude and mean but who knows she could be nice we have not known her as long as jenny but first impressions on jenny where okay she was not mean.
and i think jack changed so fast because he missed the see he thought jenny must have hated him and he probably wont see Elizabeth again and he knows his money will not last forever and he cant find a job.
a)I didn't compare Elizabeth to Jenny because I found them totally different. Jenny is nice and kind, while Elizabeth is snobby and stuck up. I don't think they have anything in common.
b) I think Jack is frustrated because he can't find a job. I think he wished he could of stayed with Robert and now he feels like he doesn't have a purpose.
a) Elizabeth is, as Robert said, more of a show-off and less humble then nurse Jenny. I think that Jack will go after Elizabeth, but then end up with Nurse Jenny as a couple. I don't think Elizabeth is as good as he thinks she is. I never really considered the fact that nurse Jenny and Jack would be interested in each other when I was introduced to them though.
b) I think he was dissapointed because of financial difficulties and because he felt nobody cared for him. He felt all alone in the world.
a) Elizabeth seems like a jerk to me, and my first impression of her ain't good. she needs to stop think about her poor self. But jenny seems to think more about other people.
b)i think its 2 things, money and the ocean. He likes to sail on the boat, and he made money while doing it. But now he lost both, and with neither of them, he feels sad enough to kill himself.
Is the lighthouse going to play a role in the story, because I haven't heard anything about it since the first.
A)I think they there are some bidg differences between Jenny and Elzibeth. Elzibeth was snobby and mean. Jenny however is nice and friendly.
B) I think that he changes because he has nothing like money or a house. So i think thats why he might comit suicide
A)I think there is a difference between the two girls but I'm not sure how long it will last. Right now it seems like Elizabeth is really stuck up but I don't think that will last long.
B) I think Jack suddenly realizes he's alone and he can't handle it. I believe this because when Jack went to meet Roberts family he felt very bad because not only did he not fit in but he also didn't have a family to fit into.
I think his feelings changed becasue he can't work for the army and for other jobs, he's losing money and he can't do the job he did for a week becasue the othe rperson came back.
1) Awkward is the word that comes to mind, plus Elizabeth didn't have her life saved by him. Elizabeth is one of those... Holier then thou people judging by the looks of it. So, yeah. The awkwardness could be shredded with a cheese grater.
2) Well, he had no true home. No money. No job. He was lonely. He was starving. On the sea he was extremely happy, but that was gone and became depressed incredibly quickly. He probably figured starvation would be an agonizing death, so a plunge into icy cold water head would eliminate him quickly. Rather then suffer for a few days.
And those flop houses sound...interesting. Bunking with three other people in a single room.
I forget the intro for jenny but i think that elisibeth is prettyer, but jenny is nicer and has a better attitude, i hope jack goes for jenny because elisibeth is a snob.
I think that Jack is feeling different about himself because he lost his friend to talk to and his job to be proud of doing well at. he also misses the white lady.
A) Elizabeth shouds like a shallow person and Jenny should like she like to help people in need.
B) ?
b) I think that what caused Jacks feelings to change is because of Elizabeth, she made him feel like a fool in front of a lot of people and he wasn’t feeling that great to begin with. It might also be that he had all of his things stolen when he was out. He also can’t get a job anywhere because of his record and he doesn’t have any money to spend. He also stood Jenny up and thinks that she might hate him for that.
a) Elizabeth is sort of a big snobby turd. She is kind of the opposite of Jenny.
b) He has no feeling of self-worth.
b)I think the change is because on the ship he had food clean water and lots of other luxuries while he has non of them in that house.
a) My first impression of Elizabeth was a nice, rich, peppy,maybe a little shy , and kind of quiet. my first impression of jenny was a person who puts people before herself, nice, caring, always hard working, devoted to her job, and loves what she is doing.
a.) My first impression of Jenny was a nice kind girl who Elizabeth was a stuck up girl who doesn't like to be embarrassed. Jenny would stay quiet and Elizabeth would make a scene.
b.) Well, not a lot of people likes to be alone and to seems that Jack doesn't like to be alone like York was. Since he was alone for a week or two, it would drive someone up the wall and in this case, him. This is probably why his feelings changed so quickly.
Question B
Well there is clearly something going on with Jack, i mean no one thinks about committing suicide from lice i thing is is a combination of things. such as losing Jenny screwing things up with Elizabeth and not being able to work with Robert anymore, his best friend dying and his parents die in the fire. These things seem to be all combining in to one crudy feeling of sadness and despair resulting in him wanting to kill himself.
a) Elizabeth is a local Grand Manan girl whom Jack seems to find interesting. Compare your first impressions of her with Nurse Jenny. I do not know anything about Elizabeth because I was not here yesterday but I do know that Jenny does not like Jack anymore and I think that Elizabeth might like him.
b) Jack seems to be on the right track until he returns to Saint John. Without a job or any real prospects, he spirals towards rock-bottom. What is it that causes Jack's feelings about himself to change so quickly? He feels like he is all alone in the world and that no one likes him and that everyone is down on him and that he should just kill himself to get rid of the pain in his heart.
1) I think that the diffrents between Jenny & Elizabeth is that Jenny is a very nice kind lady and cares for other people and Elizabeth is very snotty and does not care for other people.
2)Well on GrandManan he had a couple of friends and was not alone but he is in Saint John and has no food no friends and still hasent found a job and he lives in a dirty place
if i were Jack i would have taken the money to Grand Manan and sold fish on his new land and make some money.
I think that there is a big difference beetween them. Jenny was a nce give and elzibeth is really really rude and I don't like her alot.
2 That he can give up his job
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