Sunday, June 3, 2007


1. The boat was by far the most important to Jack. As so many of you mentioned, he was consumed by the desire to go boating and fishing. The boat was his dream.

2. Jack and Everett hit it off so quickly for a couple of reasons. First of all, as some of you mentioned, they are both just nice people. But also there was an attitude thing. Jack saw beyond the injuries that Everett had. He didn't see Everett as an amputee, but rather as a PERSON, who just didn't have both legs. Everett saw beyond his injuries as well. He was looking forward to the future, making plans, and willing to embrace life as he was able to live it. They were both nice guys, with hopeful attitudes, and they seemed to mesh.

Now for some of your questions:

Josh B, You had asked earlier about how long it took me to write the book. It took about six months, mostly nights and weekends.

Mike, You had asked earlier why I had set the book on Grand Manan( and surrounding areas). I like the area, the interesting challenges for the characters, the different knowledge base that is fishing and boating. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

So, everything looks good for Jack; he has his boat and can now live his dream. No problems. Right?

Well read on; maybe there's more here than meets the eye.


Anonymous said...

I think that Jack and Bowman are going to spy on them and see what they do and then report what the see. I think that because jack was in jail for stealing that they think he’s still a criminal. I think Bessy see’s that jack is a good man and would never steal and may know that he didn’t steal from that other place that put him to jail. Jack won’t leave because he likes Grand Manan to much and wants to fish really badly.

Anonymous said...

a) Well, I think their downfall will be when some of the people survive one of their “accidental” crashes and lives after they throw them overboard or whatever and tells people (police or whatever they are) and they get into trouble either that or that is the boat that Roach left for Jack and he happens to go out with them on a trip and catches them in the middle of it. But I don’t know.
b) I think that the people don’t trust Jack because he’s not from Grand Manan or something like that, and also because he was framed for robbing that Bessy woman, and like every one knows every one on Grand Manan pretty much. I think Bessy sees some good in Jack, and knows who robbed her, but doesn’t want to admit it because he/she threatened her or something. And I don’t think Jack wants to pack up and leave because he has made some new friends and really, really, really wants to go fishing and make money that way

Anonymous said...

A.) I think Freeman doesn’t want to kill Jack because he was good friends with his brother.
B.) Yes because Jack is not much of a trickster, he is more of an honest person.
C.) I think this means “what goes around, comes around.”